New "guy" moved in

Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

The other day I was out in the front yard when a dove came flying around the corner of the house and started to circling around my head chattering and then he landed on the garage roof but came down and circled around my head again. Three times did he do this and suddenly he landed on my head. There I stood totally stunned for a short while WITH the dove on my head. I called out my DD and I so wish I had a camera out. Her jaw dropped then she started to laugh (I already did) she on the other hand called out my DS and his expression was even more funny.

I tried to get him off my head but he refused, so there I was with a dove on my head that wouldnt leave. I started to walk out too the frontyard thinking maybe I can make him land on the feeder but that only made him change to my daughter head and when she tried to walk out in the garden...........get the picture??
The dove absolutly refused to leave the porch, where I was when he landed the first time.
Evening was coming and my son said that it feels bad just to trow him out and shut the door, this dove was obviously born in captivity and I dont know if he was trown out due to the many CRAZY actions from people with no sence and that has freaked about the avian flue or if he managed to ascape somehow.
I couldnt take him in to the house, Tayson HATE birds he even chases away small inousente sparrows. Bad doggy :0))

So the only thing left to do was if the dove would follow in to the garage....................YES.......... he was even glad to volontarily jump on to the beems that is situated just above the garage doors. So currently we have a dove living in our dubble garage (no car)

We can handle him and touch him as much as we want with no problem even pat him on the back, that makes him "curl up" and blow up his neck and close his eyes and just enjou the cuddle. One more thing that makes me absolutly sure that this is a "cage" bird is that he has a fungus infection on his feet that ONLY caged birds get. Will get him medicin on Monday
He is a little lighter in colour then this pic shows

Thumbnail by Janett_D
Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

Here is a pic where the colours are a little TOO light, but it shows all his markings

Thumbnail by Janett_D
Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

I really like this picture its like he says "hello! can I play with you?"

Thumbnail by Janett_D
Guilford, CT(Zone 7a)

Well - how beautiful he is! I have always adored pigeons - especially Mourning Doves. People around here hate them - they believe they are dirty & basically mess up the streets & buildings that they roost on. But they are so beautiful - & that bobble head walk is just so cute! It looks like you have a new pet - he chose YOU :)

Bartlesville, OK(Zone 6a)

That is wonderful. I have mourning doves all around my house. I love them. Watched the 'guy' coo to his 'girl' and his little cheeks puff out. It is so cute!


Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

What a wonderful story! I'm so glad he found you.

(Zone 10b)

I wonder how he found your place, of all areas he could have ended up. That's a real shame if someone decided to throw him out and make him fend for himself. I'm just glad he decided to land on your head, not someone with bird paranoia. I have great respect for you and your children for being so kind and considerate and more than anything else, thoughtful for giving weight to what's important to the bird.


Lovely pictures and nice that your little pigeon has found a loving home for himself. Isn't it special when birds and animals decide they like you enough to want to live with you and be your bestest friend?? ...except mice and spiders, LOL


Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

Hehe I am right with you on the spiders.......but when I had a cat yeeeeeeeears ago and he came home with alive mice I hadent the heart to kill them or trow them out of the house wintertime So I made cage from plastic sheets and fed them untill spring and then "trew" them out.
Here he is on his favorite person in his new cage :))

Thumbnail by Janett_D
Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

Okey, the cage is finished and the bird has a home :)) can you see the little birdie in his new cage. even put in a small cherry tree. Oh and he still have the whole garage to fly around in too. Still dont dare to let him fly around outside the cage since I hear and see the dovehawk all day long prowling for easy pray.

Thumbnail by Janett_D
Guilford, CT(Zone 7a)

That is one spoiled bird! They eyes are so clear, & the feathers so pretty with those irridescent colors. My childhood friend had an orange dove stop in their bathroom window the same month, every year, like clockwork. They would open the window & offer treats, & the dove would stay for several days, then flew off to parts unknown. It would fly in, just like it belonged there! They never knew what mission it was on, or where it was heading. I got to see it - it was such a lovely color.

Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

Our animals spoiled rotflol...............I have a king sized bed guess who has the other side ALL by himself and the birdie he sleeps in my daughter Hannas room not in that cage. You should have seen him yesterday when she took him with her. he got all wild, started to crrrrrrrrrrrrring and tapdanced on her head and spinning and blowing himself up. That was absolutly hystericly funny how HAPPY he got.

I can honostly say that I dont even dislike ANY animal (exept bugs)even if they come in plentyfull in many places. If a dove pee and poo in the forest no one would say anything about it and WE have to remember that we actually have taken THEIR forest away and replaced it with houses. all cramped up to tight and most animals was "here" long before we where.

GreenLife. I have been thinking the same thing, how in the world of all places, but he has been a blessing for my Daughter since she lost her dog Tracy a couple of weeks ago. Its been hard for her to go to bed since Tracy always was by her side and slept in her bed. Yesterday and tonight was the first time Hanna just could with ease go to bed a get to sleep without coming down with one thing after another just because her bed was empty. I think "someone" sent him here just because somehow we needed him as much as he needed us.

Northport, ME(Zone 5b)

So Janett, in the US your bird is called a pigeon or rock dove. Did you give him/her a name?

Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

Well, He is a pretty funny bird and he is the same gray that Gonzo has on the Muppet show. So for time being I am calling him Gonzo.

I dont think he is a pidgeon like the ones we have in town. He doesnt have the same coloration or the form of his body. He isnt starved and have much slimmer/smaller body then the city pidgeons nor does he fit our forest pidgeon they dont have the white ring around the eyes. It shouldnt surprice me if has Rock Dove in him, we dont have them wild here but its the breeding ground for all the mail Doves raised in captivity.

southwestern, IA(Zone 5a)

Believe it or not there are many people in the US that raise pigeons. Not the run of the mill pigeons either there are many "fancy" pigeons and even pigeon shows. I know this because my dad raises them. They have pigeons with fan tails and really big ones called I couldnt tell you how many variety's there are but it is no small number. Some are actually beautiful, although I am allergic so I dont favor them.
I have to run right now but will follow up later with a few great stories about the pigeons we've had over the years.

Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

Jos I am looking forward to the stories :0))
I wonder what it is about some animals that arraive in my home........they are not following any "normal" standard.
Have you ever heard of a dove that likes to sleep in a bed. WELL this one does rotflol
Every night Hanna takes Gonzo up with her to her room and he flyes up and put himself on the curtaine pole, but every morning when she wakes up Gonzo is laying in her bed by her feet on the opposite side where her dog Tracy always slept.
I have never heard of any bird that slept in beds before. I just have to sneak up there and take a picture some morning.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Your new dove friend is gorgeous! Do you think he might have escaped from someone by accident? I'd love to see more pictures of him.

Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

Seing how he acts when the windows in Hannas room and the "cage" door is wide open and he doesnt do any attempt to "escape" at all, I think that "someone" trew him out.

I take new ones tomorrow.....promisse

(Zone 10b)

Looks like Gonzo and your daughter had an instant connection. I'm glad to hear of their friendship and someone has great craftsmanship to have the skill to whip up a nice cage on such short notice. It's even got great

Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

Did sneak up to my DD room this morning to check that she didnt pull my leg on the sleeping in bed, and sure enough at the tip of her bed by her feet the dove was laying on his tummy sleeping. didnt get it on picture but I will some day.

"Dont want to sit on that darn thing when there is a softer warmer place to rest on"

Thumbnail by Janett_D
Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

Its fun to try to catch when they are in the air

Thumbnail by Janett_D
Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

And another when he poses sooooo beautiful

Thumbnail by Janett_D
Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I'm just delighted by this thread and your pictures!

Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

I am glad you enjoy it as we do him, he is a bundle of fun. Tayson however is not so amused..... he doesnt like it at all when we cuddle with the birdie. He HAS started to accept that Gonzo is here to stay.

This is Tayson "trying" to sneak pass Christer to start barking at Gonzo
"You just waite I will get that bird someday" rotflol

Thumbnail by Janett_D
Guilford, CT(Zone 7a)

This is so amazing - this mysterious dove has become a part of your family, like it was meant to be. And you can clearly see the sparkle in your daughter's eyes - I am glad this bird has come to your family, for whatever reason. I like the picture in flight, with his eyes looking at you. I wonder who would give up such a beautiful & affectionate bird? Poor Gonzo - his gray snout is all pushed out of shape! (he is such a cutie)

Columbus, OH(Zone 6a)

I'm really enjoying this thread. And I'm amazed at how fast and well you built that aviary for Gonzo. If he'd flown into my yard he'd still be living in the bathroom while I figured out where I left the hammer last. :)

You certainly received a beautiful give from "above", Janett.

Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

ceceoh ROTFLOL it helps a big deal to have several left both here and there no matter in which cubbord or draw you left "it" in you are bound to find one of them.
And yes he really is a gift from above. The reason the Aviary got built so fast is due to me being out there and was in the midst of planning to build the porch, already had some material, just had to reroute/think some of the beams call a friend to get what ever leftovers he had home and also go in to town and buy some chicken fens. 1 roll of 3ft by 32ft cost 10$ and one roll 2ft by 32 ft cost 4$. already had staples and the gun at home. boy are staples expensive, costs as much as all the chickefence for one pack.

The whole aviary and porch.....well the standing beams are just wedged with a sledgehammer between the roof and flooring( concrete slabs) so if I decide to leave this place or get evicted and have use of the porch/aviary I can easily loosen the porch and take it with me. If I nail it or screw it to the house the landlord can force me to leave it behind.

Phoenix, MD(Zone 7a)

Janet great shots!!! wonderful bird and love seeing Tayson he is so adorable!!!! Did you change your name and I misssed it?????

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Amazing Janett...That bird was sooo lucky to have landed in the right place.

Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

magoobu.......rotflol and here we have talked on the chat so many times and you didnt notice

Floridian, it wasent just him that was lucky. We lost our dog Tracy a month ago and here this bird land and some what took her place as a bedroom companion for my daughter

Phoenix, MD(Zone 7a)

ROTFLMAO!!! I knew Tayson and Janet_D and did not make the connection until this post when I saw "Tayson" in it LMAO

a little slow I am ......

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