Iris Pumila - questions

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Does pumila only mean small or dwarf? Can the word have anything to do with flower petal 'shape'?

I have finally had a Dwarf Iris "Cherry Pop" bloom. It has take 568 days according to my plant journal. :-D LOL.......

but anyway.....I looked this plant up in the plantfiles, and this looks nothing like my Cherry Pop. The flower shape is very much like my other dwarf Iris, sort of elongated and pointy. I can't find anything on Google.

I will go snap a photo of it and share it here.

Does anyone have Cherry Pop and can you share a photo of yours with me?

Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

Here is the registered description for Cherry Pop:

SDB 12" (30 cm) M.
"S. crimson red; F. redder to dark area around dark red beard.

Pumila is one of several different dwarf iris species and species crosses.


Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Finally got a decent photo. This is a pretty good picture of it, colors are right on. Well on my monitor anyway. LOL!

So it's not red, and I don't think it's Cherry Pop, but it's cute anyway.

Thumbnail by Sue_WA

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