Sorting and printing a journal HELP

Lima, OH(Zone 5b)

I sorted my journal by genus so I could list list my plants in groups. Sorting by the common names, which vary for the same plant, causes them to be quite mixed up on the printed page. I then listed them to print; and they still are sorted by their common name. Is there any way to print them in the genus sorted list? THANKS FOR ANY AND ALL HELP.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

I would love to be able to print by genus or location (common name is the least helpful) Patti

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Tammy, I just discovered that I can print by genus. If you don't click on "prepare the item on this page for printing" and just go straight to printing (after sorting to have list by genus) not only does it print in that order, it also prints all my thumbnail photo's. I am so happy. You can do a print preview to be sure, but I have now printed out several and they all are correct. Now if I could get the sort order to be by genus and THEN by cultivar in alphabetical order I would be on cloud 9 instead of just on cloud 8. This may be old news, but you can see I am thrilled! Patti

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