do i need a lisense to sell my chicken eggs

Manistique, MI

we have over one hundred chickens and we have been giving the eggs away and a couple of our local gas stations/mini marts want to sell our eggs in their stores, do i need a lisense to sell the eggs to them so that they can resell them?

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

i would ask this in the market growers forum, it has been discussed there before, and folks that sell veggies often have eggs and meat too. but basically i recall that it depends on your state and local regulations, based on HOW MANY dozen you sell in a week. if under a certain number, you are exempt for regulations... selling to the stores could make it more tricky though...

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

I was approched about selling mine
I would have to have inspections by the USDA
buying the egg cartons......
all for 25 cents a dozen.......NOT

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

If there's someone you know and trust who wants to pay for eggs, I'd do it. I sell my eggs to someone I buy organic feed from. He doesn't re-sell them, just uses them for his family. He pays $3.00 a dozen, because he knows what's "in" them and knows the chickens forage daily as well. I also trade eggs for seedlings, mulch, manure, compost, etc. Friends give me egg cartons.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

did you ask in the Market Growers forum???? i will look, will be interested to hear what they say too....

i agree with Zep. sell and trade with friends, they will love you and your chickens! and it is amazing what you will get in return...


Manistique, MI

thank you for your reply's , i will check with our county court house and see what they have to say. we are already selling to local neighbors for 1.65 a dozen and we sell about 14 dozen a week, it pays for the feed so the birds are paying their own way. we have a local mini mart who wants to sell them for us, but i want to do things all legal.
wish us luck. we are getting one hundred more birds in about 2 weeks, when they are full grown,,,this fall...we will have lots of eggs to sell. we have buffs abd black giants right now and are planning to get columiban and silver laced wyondottes. forgive the spelling...never been a strong suit.
love looking at all the discussions on chickens, this has been great

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

hey, chickybirds! your agent can refer you to the dept of ag in your county. I LOVE the idea of a mini mart having fresh non-caged eggs!!!

i also am very envious of the breeds you chose ;-)


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