last pics of my eggplants before hardening off

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

the back row ae the black beauties and the front are the cloud nines

Thumbnail by HERBIE43
Lawrence, KS

Oh! They are beautiful! My Rosa Biancas looked something like that a couple of weeks ago, and the very night after I planted them outside we had an awful hail storm. The next day my one remaining plant looked like this:

Thumbnail by egiap
Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

so sorry for you. its tought getting from seed to that stage only to have mother nature stick her nose in.

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

plants look great Herbie...*G* now just send me the results *LOL* I'm getting 5 more EB's in a few weeks but since the DH isn't a big fan of most veggies I won't be able to sneak in some of the things I like. Yumm think of what I could make with fresh maters, eggplants all my herbs and a little olive oil and pasta. *drool*

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