Need Ideas for a noninvasive climber

Headland, AL(Zone 8a)

I've got this weird back porch that is really small just an overhang and four steps off to the side....maybe 4 feet x 4 feet for the 'porch'. There are two problems...I am disabled and rely on my self employed hubby for the heavy physical labor, so I don't want to plant an invasive vine that is going to eat the porch and house like the Shed Eating Wisteria that was posted earlier, and I don't want to overburden Hubby with too much physcial labor...he has his hands full running a business and keeping up with the mowing and stuff. It needs to be something that is not going to take over. Plus, the posts and 'porch' are wood, so I don't need an invasive climber like ivy that will cause the wood to rot out. I saw a suggestion for a corkscrew vine (also known as Vigna caracalla) on another post where someone was looking for a low invasive climber and I looked it up from some nurseries and found a really cool cultivar. But it says that this vine grows to like 25 I'm concerned that it might take over the porch. Here is what I found online.

Is this a good plant to put on my porch? Or is there another climber that would be less trouble? Also, if this is a good climber for this location, is there anyone who would consider sending me some rooted cuttings for postage? I'm on a limited budget (hint: I'm on disability and hubby is self employed and recovering from cancer treatment so I need to be very frugal...this new 'hobby' is killing our budget!). They can be small cuttings as I have to get the roof fixed before I can plant it by the porch...and that isn't going to happen for about a I can keep cuttings in pots for a while till the roofing job is done. However, they do need to have good roots...I'm not having a lot of luck with cuttings that have no roots...or roots that have no living plants...I'm still kinda new at this stuff and am having mixed results with the unrooted cuttings I have.

If Ya'll need an idea of the spot where this baby will go, I'll take a pic tomorrow. It does get a fair amount of afternoon sun...not sure abut morning sun since I sleep late and stay up half the night, but just guessing from the direction of where the afternooon sun is, I'd say it is in the shade in the mornings, so corkscrew vine might not work there anyway because of the full afternoon sun.

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

Some Clerodendron are not rampant growers like 'Thomsonaie' (bleeding heart) I don't know how they fair in Z8. But they are very manageable and dormant in the winter where i live. Be careful some Clerodendron are "vigorous".

Headland, AL(Zone 8a)

What about Bougainvilla? Is it invasive? I've always loved it....

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