How my garden grows

North Plains, OR(Zone 8a)

As I may have mentioned, we are new to the PNW, having spent 9 years in Arizona and before that many years in Minnesota. PNW gardening is very new to me and I LOVE it.

Our property, although large and with lovely "bones" of former gardens, was pretty much empty when we arrived last fall. I am slowing changing that. First it was weeds, weeds (and slugs, slugs).

Now am I almost finished the first round of planting.

So far every single thing I've planted is alive and seems to be thriving. All the bare root things I planted have started to leaf out, including a fig tree, which had me worried for a time.

Thanks to this list I found some excellent sources for plants both on-line and locally, and I am so excited about our gardens. I am almost finished with the main gardens, at least for this year. Since it is a baby garden area I need to be patient and wait to see how things grow before I start adding plants to various area.

So, the mini orchard is in and all the fruit trees are leafing out, I only need a couple of lavenders to finish the lavender garden, the kitchen garden is just short a few herbs, the berry patch is in. Today I planted an artichoke and we shall see how it survives the PNW. Tomorrow I will plant the final three trees/shrubs and then it is just some tomato plants when it is warm enough, and a few more perrenials. The heather garden is finished, as is the oriental garden. I just planted late summer lilies in the new bulb garden and will do the spring flowering bulbs this fall. The flowering tree garden is full and the new lilacs smell SO good.

The next big project is a woodland garden, but I have to go inside some time and get things done in there. In this weather I find that impossible - after 9 years of hot hot hot hot hot I cannot stay indoors.

Had to share my fun.


Portland, OR(Zone 8a)

Hey Roni!!

I spend last 13 years in Arizona (my husband 20 some) , so I know the "hot hot " part..LOL
Last couple years, before moving here, was so miserable every summer, that I was ready to WALK to Oregon just to be able to move. Dont You just love the air here and the shade and wind, which is absolutelly not hot , when blowing
And the soil...I wrote to my friend still in Arizona, that I can use white plastic spoon, when diggin here, that did make her day going over there...LOL , she is still planting in her backyard.
I m absolutely in LOVE with Oregon, almost every weekend we are going to the ocean, which was dream to do in Arizona, I think on our way to ocean we passing alwayes the North Plains.
Keep on having fun.

Olympia, WA(Zone 8b)

For crying out LOUD, would you two SHHHHHHHHHHH!!! And keep a LID on it, otherwise will have HOARDS of those HOT HOT people moving here, and you TWO are ENOUGH, if not, then it will look like Calif :( lol

Best Regards;

Portland, OR(Zone 8a)


Cheney, WA(Zone 6a)

Too late blulytes! My honey and I spent the last 20 yrs. in the Mojave Desert near Barstow, CA and now live in beautiful (Not Hot!) Cheney, WA. By the way Roni, I lived in a little town in MN named Akeley when I was a kid. Now that was cold!
Regads to All,
Pat aka Serenity77

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