Bacopa needs help!

Springfield, MO(Zone 6b)

Hi! I ran acros this site looking for tips online to help my Taifun White Bacopa, and it's an incredible!

I live near Dallas, TX in a 3rd story apartment with a balcony that receives afternoon sun. This is my first attempt at container gardening (actually, any kind of gardening!) and I'm loving it!

My Bacopa isn't growing (isn't dying either, but just sitting there with no flowers)... From what I've seen, the pot seems to be the right size. I'm using Miracle Grow potting soil and keeping it watered.... anything else I can do?

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

You might want to add some bloom booster..I buy pots of them every year and I water them with bloom booster once a week ...I bought 3 pots a few weeks ago and now they are covering the pot and loaded with blooms...Just mix it weak like a teaspoon to a gallon of water..Good Luck I hope this works for you..!!

Springfield, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks Demstratt...I will try that and I'll let you know if it works!

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Can you post a pic?

Springfield, MO(Zone 6b)

I haven't tried posting pictures yet since this is only my 3rd day on the site, but I'm sure I can figure it out! I'll post one soon :)

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Is it draining for you??Maybe thats your problem..I sure wish we could figure it out for you..Those are one of my favorite flowers because I never have a problem with them..Maybe try giving it some bonemeal..Do you see any insects there??

Springfield, MO(Zone 6b)

Hi! I've been away for a while...thanks for your responses. I hate to admit it, but I gave up on the bacopa :(. Demstratt, I think you were right that drainage was one of the problems. I took it out and the roots were all stuck together and yucky and the soil was soggy (even though it wasn't on top). So, I'm learning some things about putting drainage material in the bottom of the pot (yes, I'm VERY new at this :)).

I have a north-west facing balcony with barely 3 hours of afternoon sun, so nothing's blooming very well. I have a big geranium, but it only has about 5 blooms at a time, and my impatiens (the Fiesta double variety) have foilage, but no blooms. Dianthus and petunias have several blooms, but not many. But I have oregano, mint, basil and begonias that are doing ok. Maybe I should go hang out on the "Shady Garden" forum :)

Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi, there :) Welcome to DG!

I was also wondering if you were removing the spent flowers after they faded (deadheading). Many plants need regular deadheading to continue with new blooms.

Welcome, again!


Springfield, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks! Yep, and unfortunately that doesn't take long since there's not much to deadhead! :)

My eyes about popped out when I came back to this site and saw your response because I was just online reading all about hostas because I heard they like shade. Then came back and saw your name! How funny :) I think I'll go check out some other stuff you've posted and see if I can find some pictures of your hostas...I assume you like them :)

Springfield, MO(Zone 6b)

OMG, the pictures of your sophisticated potting system in your garage are hilarious!! I love it! I like the container you did with the pretty! Here's a picture of the hanging basket I made. It was my first try at anything creative in the plant world. Since the picture was taken, I filled in some of the bare spots on the basket with more moss.

Thumbnail by Ellianor
Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Hey, good eye, Ellianor. That's a beautiful basket :)

And, yes, I do love hostas. And, yes, hostas do love shade. You won't find any pictures of hostas I grow, though, because I don't grow any right now. LOL - I have a 2 year old house and nary a shady patch. It's sad, but there are tons of lovely sun plants, too :)

There is an entire forum just for hostas. Some of the people over there really, really know their stuff. Click on the Garden Talk tab at the top of the page, then click on the Hosta Forum. If you just browse the threads there, you'll learn soooo much. Hostas are fantastic plants for the new gardener, and there are so many kinds you'll never get bored with them. Slugs are pretty much there only enemy, occassionally bunnies. Do be aware, though, that Lowe's and Home Depot are not good sources for hostas. Search the hosta forum for more.

Good to meet you :) Hope your first gardening experiences are all good ones (now that the bacopa's out of the picture).

Huga :)

BTW, I've debated asking Dave to change my user name. It's a bit misleading nowadays, but I like the "huga" part, so I'll keep it :)

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Welcome to DG, Ellianor! You'll find we're all quite friendly although terribly kooky.

I think your hanging pot looks awesome, but maybe a little crowded. What if somebody grows? Also, you need to be sure everyone has approximately the same water, fert., space needs.

RE: bacopas, I love them and use them every year. Only thing different (I think) is I always transplant them into a bigger pot with other stuff in it, or as part of a window box. That way, I don't have time to perseverate over the bacopa flowering, but when it does, it doesn't stop! Give them another chance, if they're still available in TX this late.

Huga, do we call you Sal or what? Why'd you pick MY favorite color for YOUR name? Oh well.... greetings to all.....

xcxxxx. Carrie

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Ellianor ~ I watched the posts on Bacopa and noticed that all with Bacopa successes were from more pleasant summer climates that this. Mine died a natural death when the temps rose last year. Nothing could save it. I am thinking that was the problem and often wonder why the big green stores handle bulbs and plants NOT suited to the climate they are in.... pod

Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

:) You can call me Jacci since Huga's out the door. I chose the new name because hubby's name is Sam... get it?? If you say SalmonMe aloud, it'll make sense ;)

Naperville, IL

I noticed not too many replies since we all got busy with watering and weeding!! Now that it is summer's end ...has anyone had luck wintering over, or propogating some Bacopa? It is not cheap to buy here and I love it in my handing baskets and window boxes ...would love to increase my supply for next Spring? Tried dividing it ...seems to have only one main stem ..didn't have much luck sticking some cuttings in water ...they just rotted. Help? Sandy

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Seems like I read it starts by seeds but will have to do some research. Maybe someone else will weigh in....

Northern Michigan, MI(Zone 5a)

I just brought my bacopa inside and am hopeful to keep it alive over the winter. It's beautiful with all the tiny flowers!! I put a piece in the bubbler to see if it will root just in case......

~Julie =0)

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