
Crestview, FL(Zone 7b)

I noted yesterday that many of the flowers now have brown seeds inside. I harvested seeds from one of the plants and it was fairly easy. If anyone would like to have seeds from my Crestview Bog pitcher plants please send me a DG mail.

bad news, i think you're a little early by about 4-5 months. i think, not positive... that you might have just collected stamens.

Crestview, FL(Zone 7b)

Oh gosh Lauren... you are correct... yikes... let me retract that offer... sorry.. no seeds at this time ... maybe later though

This message was edited May 2, 2006 1:04 PM

you aren't the first to collect stamens. i wasn't the first to collect them either. we certainly won't be the last either.

Wauconda, IL

I've collected stamens, too! Guess we've still got a lot to learn, LOL!

Crestview, FL(Zone 7b)

*LOL* well now I don't feel like the Lone Ranger...

Ummm, the Lone Ranger, eh? Ha ha ha, not even close! I think collecting and/or attempting to germinate stamens is a rite of passage for CPers. I attempted to germinate stamens once and if I am not mistaken... Pixie was anxiously waiting for some of her stamens to germinate last year. Sweetie, you are anything but alone in this. Shame more people don't fess up so we'd all be able to laugh at ourselves with others who have traveled down that road.

Crestview, FL(Zone 7b)

Lauren.. I'm just glad you are here to straighten me out. How disappointed I would have been to have ZERO germination rate from my 'stamens".. *snort*

I've been gardening for over 15 years. Imagine my shock when I sent a photo of a picture perfect seed tray to a friend after having lovingly cold stratified stamens to ask why nothing was germinating when I got a reply complete with an animated "Ziggy" guy rolling around on the floor laughing at the bottom of the e-mail accompanied by one sentence, "Honey, you are germinating stamens not seed". Fred is lucky he is my friend or the skies would have opened and a lightening bolt would have struck him down right there on the spot if I had anything to do with it. Women take their stamens very seriously!

Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

Is this where the seeds will be?

Thumbnail by rylaff
Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

Yep that is where the seeds will be. The ovary will continue to swell and then start to turn brown and then crack open. There should be lots of seeds inside.

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Oh yeah something for me to look forward to!

Swollen ovaries? Wow, I can't wait.

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