sweat pea seeds

Friday Harbor, WA

I'd like to plant sweat pea seeds in a partial sunny space. These are one of my favorite flowers but I've never had much luck with them. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Any suggestions?

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

It is too late to plant for this year. Plant them in Feb/March next year. Like 1" deep. Cover with mulch. Use Sluggo for the nasty slugs that just love to eat the good shoots.
You need to plant then going north to the south. Against a fence so they will get afternoon sun.
They like good drainage and good composted soil too.
Lots of water.
This is what I do. The first year I grew sweet peas, it was a challenge. But have learned a lot since.

Duvall, WA(Zone 7b)

I have some that I started in our greenhouse about 4 weeks ago. They are now 6 inches tall. Are you saying they won't flower this year?


W'Ville, WA

It may be too late to start from seed for this year, but you can get pea starts at a garden center about now. Junior's starts would probably be okay for the year. Plant them out now. Pinch back if you want shorter bushier vines. They like soil with about 15-20% organic matter, good moisture,and their feet in the shade and their heads in the sun. I love them too. Good luck.

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

No, they should flower. I would put them outside tho. Either in pots or the ground.
Mine are only like 6-8" high in the ground.

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Hi Goodfriday, about 4 or 5 years I bought a perrineal sweet pea. That was the first I'de seen one. Any way I can't kill it. It's beautiful and I don't get it dead headed and I now have them all over the place. But it's ok where they are sproutting.Try looking at your local nursearies for one.

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Goodfriday, I like you have had really good luck with sweet peas a couple of times but most of the time it is a struggle. I even tried planting them under plastic thinking they were rotting since we still get so much rain when they are planted. I have heard of inoculant which is available at our farm store for a very short time in February when it is time to plant all sorts of peas. That might be something to look for next spring.

Seattle, WA

Hi GoodFriday. Sweetpeas are wonderful. I had good luck once planting them in a large pot. It must be in full sun though. Plant 6' skinny stakes in the soil in the pot and gather and tie off the tops into a "tee pee." Soak the seeds for 24 hours before planting, sowing them so they'll climb up the stakes. Rotate the pot if you need to to ensure even sun exposure.

I've always read that you are supposed to plant them in a little trench 5" deep and gradually fill in the trench as the shoots grow up. I did do that when I used to grow them in the ground and had good success.

Sumner, WA(Zone 8a)

For us, they grow best along the East and West sides of the house. Our sweet peas seem to really thrive in the morning-to-afternoon sun. We put in a trellis on one side of the porch for climbing roses and sweet peas; I'll be putting up another on the other side just for sweet peas. I love their fragrance...it's so sweet. :-)

Olympia, WA(Zone 8b)

Is THAT WHY they call them SWEET peas!!?? hehe LOL

Best Regards;

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