i am a horrible horrible gourd murderer

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh, I feel SOOOOOO bad. I'm a novice, and got the Ginger Summit book Gourds in the Garden. That's why I realized my poor gourds, which I've been growing on the patio in pots, have anthracnose. I'd planted a pot of Burpee bottle gourds and one of birdhouse gourd seeds that came out of gourds I bought at a craft store to make birdhouses (which turned out quite well). Anyway... when I realized what was discoloring and killing the leaves, I got out the secateurs and had at it before spraying with an organic fungicide. And I cut the vine! As soon as I realized what I'd done I stuck the end of the vine into the soil and watered it and shoved a length of it in as well, to root it by layering. I sincerely doubt it will recover, but what else could I have done? This was the birdhouse gourd plant.

The bottle gourd plant is looking really naked, as I cut off all the leaves that looked infected. But what's left is green, and the one gourd is probably nine inches "tall".

So, should I scrap the entire thing? I'm moving in a couple of weeks to a house with a half acre, and I plan to plant gourds there next year. I'm afraid if I take any of this to the new place, I'll just be infecting any possible crop for next year. But I'd hate to abandon the beautiful bottle gourd I still have, which is getting very near maturity.

Advice and comfort, anyone? I need it.

Crossville, TN

I have no advice on this as I have never had the problem of insects....other than grasshoppers. I hope someone comes along and gives you some sound advice.

Let me know after you get moved and I will share some seeds with you for next year!! Jo

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Jo, you're such a sweetheart. I'd appreciate it. I finally got over the despondent "I should not be allowed to grow anything at all" mood this put me in. I'm planning on spending most of this year just studying and planning for next year, getting used to where the sun blesses my yard and where it curses it, LOL. If I get the house I've chosen (I'm getting an inspection done tomorrow, and if it goes well, hurrah!) I'll have I think about 100 yards of hurricane fence in pretty much full sun, as well as a kids' backyard structure that I don't need for anything but gourds. I can hardly wait!

Crossville, TN

I'm sorry you missed the wonderful Round Up we just had in Bryan, TX...Hosted by DAve and Trish! They plan another one in the fall (which I won't be able to attend :( )...you should make every effort to be there...also, I see where they are planning a Nursery Visit in or around Austin this summer....check it all out on the Texas Gardening Forum!

I am going to get some seeds together for you in a few days...they'll wait for you until next year!

If I forget (senior moments here)...please remind me. Jo

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

I wish I could have been there. I browsed through the photos and such, and it looked like a great party. I'll be on the alert for the autumn one, though I'm sorry you won't be there.

I'd really appreciate the seeds. The good Lord willing and the creek don't rise, I'll have a great garden next year. In the meantime, I've ordered a few ready-to-use gourds, just to keep me happy until I have my own, and half the fun is toiling over the winter to get them in the ground in spring. Okay, not half the fun. But it can be fun.

The vine I stuck in the ground (with the immature birdhouse gourd on it) is still green, and had a blossom. I'm wondering if it will survive. I don't see how it could, but then again, while I do plant the garden, I don't run the zoo, so I'll keep you updated. My one bottle gourd is still hanging in there (no pun intended).


Crossville, TN

Ann...to me the fun in gourds is decorting them. I belong to a group of "gourd ladies" here that we get together once a month...hostess furnishes lunch...and are supposed to be working on our gourd projects...but usually we just have a gossip fest...you know...what is the County Board doing...or not doing...it's fun even if we don't get much done. Jo

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