Garden Clubs

Beaverton, OR(Zone 8a)

What can anyone tell me about garden clubs? In the old movies, the clubs members were the rich, living in mansions on huge estates with dozens of gardeners. The ladies wore dresses, fancy hats and white gloves. They would sit on the veranda drinking ice tea served by the butler.
Ok, what is a garden club in the real world?
Thanks for any info.

Beaverton, OR(Zone 8a)

Sorry, I don't know how I posted twice.

Beaverton, OR(Zone 8a)

Help, Why is everything posting 2 time?

Olympia, WA(Zone 8b)

You must have on your echo feature, echo feature.


Duvall, WA(Zone 7b)

Are you using the back button after posting a message?

Sorry I don't have any first hand info on garden clubs. Though I think today you can find a less pretentious club where the members actaully have dirt under their fingernails.


Tucson, AZ

my experience with garden clubs has been pretty varied. if you have a specific interest in, say, cacti and succulents, the members tend to be pretty avid and you can really learn a lot. i've been to a lot of general garden club chapters and most have ended up pretty boring. a lot of them are very civic minded--decorating this-n-such park, creating hanging baskets for downtown etc. they may, at times, host more plant related events like shows for flower arrangements etc. where they get together with other chapters in the state. if i go to a meeting, i want to LEARN something, so those weren't for me. also, i experienced a big age disjunction at quite a few club meetings (you can always call your local clubs and ask to come to a meeting, just to try things out). what sorts of plants are you interested in?


Beaverton, OR(Zone 8a)

When I looked up Garden Clubs of Oregon, I must admitt they didn’t like to exciting.
ok, what other kind of clubs are there for garden lovers? I want it it be a learning process with informal discussions about our own gardens etc.
The forum is great but it would be nice to actual know people. We have lived here 16 months and I don't know anyone. I miss having friends to do things with.

Portland, OR(Zone 8a)

Hey I m with you rosy_lady......I miss having friends to do things with too, :( :( :(
hope will not post twice like you, last time , I was posting did took away half of , what I wrote it..
I dont know any garden clubs here my self, hopfully some one will help us , with that..

North Plains, OR(Zone 8a)

The garden club to which I belong is quite small. We meet once a month and always have a program. Last month a master gardener spoke about hand tools and gave us a lot of ideas, tips on care, adapting tools to make them easier to use, and showed us tools that he loves. It was a very interesting program

Some programs don't interest me, but many do and, since I am new to the area and gardening in the PNW I am learning a lot from the club and its members. I'm not much on garden art, so programs on making that sort of thing don't hold me attention, but nobody seems to care if you leavebefore the program.

Our club is anything but dresses and hats and tea. Clothing is very casual.

We do the civic stuff - maintain a small garden for our town, do hanging baskets for the main street, etc. Right now our big project is our annual plant sale. Our small community just opened a new library last weekend and the garden club paid for some of the landscaping and is also donating most of the books for the gardening section. That is where our plant sale money goes.

I've also discovered that garden club members, at least ours, are generous with help and willing to let new people benefit from their experience. When I first contacted the club two members came up to our place to help me identify some of the things that were already growing here.

I'm enjoying myself so far and am learning quilt a bit. We will see how much I like it after all the work this week - pricing and loading plants on Thursday, setting up the sale on Friday, working at the sale on Saturday. Then we have a dog show Sunday. I wonder when I will groom the dogs.....maybe I'd best get to work and stop babbling!


Tucson, AZ

what kind of dogs do you show, roni?


North Plains, OR(Zone 8a)

Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier have owned us for the past 20 years. For the first ten of those years they shared us with our Airedales, but when the last Airdale passed of old age I realized I'd been show grooming that sort of coat for so many years my hands would not do it any more, so now it is just Wheatens, which I can still groom.

My first show dog, far more years ago than I choose to recall, was a Miniature Schnauzer, who shared our home and hears for 17 years. He ended up sharing with Airedales and a single Westie, too.

They love to help me garden.


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