Where is this photo taken?

Phoenix, AZ

I was just in Brookgreen Gardens in Murrels Inlet, SC hoping to see this photo. No such luck. Can anyone tell me where is it? Judging from the greenery, could it be in Louisiana or somewhere in the carolinas?

Thumbnail by chicago90
Vegas,NV Filbert, SC(Zone 7b)

I haven't seen this statue before but from the trees and moss I would say that it is definately in the south. Beautiful picture.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Long Vue maybe? Perhaps some Louisiana folks will know.

Hmm, maybe Savannah, Georgia - kinda like "midnight in the garden of good and evil" book and movie setting.


Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Looks like Savannah but I've been all over Sav and don't remember that . Pretty sure that's old Sav. brick work. Live oaks, spanish moss. It's not down town though.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

This one has really been bothering me, I have seen that scene and believe I even have the same photo (pre-digital) buried in my attic somewhere. One of these days I will figure it out. I don't think it is Savannah as I have seen few large gardens there, but I am wrong more than I am right so..........

Phoenix, AZ

Here's the answer!

It's Medway Plantation, a private home outside of Charleston, SC. It is not open to the public, but has been on a rare private event. Here's the kicker - the 6,800 property is for sale for $25,000,000 with Sotheby's. Any lottery winners that like gardens?


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Well, I am surprised. Many years ago I had the opportunity to tour Medway but had completely forgotten about it until your post refreshed my ancient memory. I knew I had seen it somewhere.

I think you should buy it Larry; after all, it's only money. LOL

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

That's like 3700 an acre. That's not bad if it's not part swamp. Not sure where exacty that is. I don't have that kind of money but some developer does.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

If my memory serve me correctly it is somewhere in Moncks Corner or Goose Creek. That would be sort of northwest of Charleston. There are many fine plantations hidden along the upper stretches of the Cooper River.

Cullowhee, NC(Zone 6b)

Oh no! I see the photo on a future billboard:

"Medway Plantation, A Gated Community
Elegant Southern Lifestyle with a Modern Edge
Estate Homes and Condominiums Starting at $375,000"


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

So true, so sad.

Hades, SC(Zone 8b)

I've been to Medway many times and it's absolutely gorgeous.

Columbia, SC

The word "billboard" is an obscenity. The wonderful folks we elected to the State legislature have recently opened the way for even more of the ugly abominations, and unbelievably enough they're about to be outfitted with digital messages that will change every 6 seconds.

You North Carolinians have beautiful highway plantings; we in South Carolina will have blinking monstrosities. Oh, for the days of the Burma Shave signs...

Cullowhee, NC(Zone 6b)

...and the barn roof painted with "SEE RUBY FALLS"?

Columbia, SC

Rats! I've never seen the barn roofs painted that way!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

LOL Lucky you, you are obviously a young fleur.

Cullowhee, NC(Zone 6b)

Please excuse the following rant:

I recently had the great misfortune to be roped into a short trip to North Myrtle Beach in South Carolina. I am sorry to offend those of you who live down there, but honestly! Couldn't you have done something, couldn't you do something to stop the excessive and ugly development of that area? How many chain restaurants, highrise condo bldgs, bargain beachwear stores, and strip clubs does one place need?

surfside beach, SC(Zone 8b)

I live there and I agree.The south side is a little bit better.No high rises in Surfside Bch.Next time,if you come,plan to stay in Georgetown County.It is a whole lot quieter.Unfortunately what you have described is what most resort towns have become and money talks.This is what most tourists want.There are constant fights between residents and developers and the North side is the worst.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

One place needs as many high rises and fast food places as the tourists want. If people keep coming they will build more.

Like Nancy mentioned, go south. Thankfully most tourists stay in MB; from there down the rest of the coast is beautiful. Down where I live we have no high rises at all and darn few fast food places. alice

Hades, SC(Zone 8b)

Ardesia's right about Saint Helena Island. It's beautiful and it has a fascinating history.

This message was edited Jun 23, 2006 10:15 AM

Columbia, SC

Ardesia, how young can I be if I remember Burma Shave signs?

missgarney, I heartily agree with you, but I'm afraid the mess isn't confined to the Lowcountry. It's here in Columbia, too. Sometimes I'd simply like to close South Carolina's borders and tell everyone we're closed. Don't I sound friendly today? My husband tells me that when motorists leave California and enter Oregon, there's a sign that welcomes folks who are visiting, but invites them not to stay.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Fleurs, when I moved to Columbia, Two Notch Rd. (beyond the mall), had a few grocery stores and that was it. When I was there recently I couldn't believe the development all the way out to Clemson Road. And Harbison, that is another story.
Not sure the state development board would agree but I think those signs are a good idea.

Cullowhee, NC(Zone 6b)

Around here that same sentiment is expressed primarily on bumper stickers, many of which have confederate flags on them as well. When I first came here it really shocked me. Now it just makes me nervous, and I'm not even Af-Am.

Landrum, SC(Zone 7b)

Hi, I am new to this site but am delighted to have found it. Although I was born and raised in the North, I only lived there 20 years. I have been in the Piedmont now for over 40 years. While the "natives" still don't consider me one of them, I will gladly join them at the border to help shut the doors. All my family is in the North but I have told them that the only way I will leave "my mountains" is in a pine box. Now every mountain trail, mountain peak, forest, and hide-away that I hiked regularly for over 30 years is a closed, gated community. Beautiful hidden mountain streams that I napped by and waded in are filled, redirected, and closed off. I took my kids to Mrytle Beach when they were young and it was bordering on a nightmare then. I still love Charleston but the world is closing in on it. But I only want to visit them. My co-workers, after many, many years, made me an honorary Southern Belle so I feel I have the right to say - "Please, please, leave what is left of "my mountians" for all of us to enjoy. Sorry for the soap box on the first visit. I belong to a couple of other gardening sites and never see any postings from the Carolinas. Now that I am old and feeble :), I am really working on my garden and still have so much to learn about working in this type soil. I have played it very safe and want to branch out a lot more.

Columbia, SC

Welcome to Dave's Garden, MollieB, from a pretty new DG'er herself. No matter how long a person has been gardening, there is always so much more to learn. It's especially delightful to chat with other folks gardening in the Carolinas, too.

ardesia, please don't visit Columbia without coming by to meet me. I'm in the quickly becoming over-congested Northeast area, just down from the new Sandhills Shopping Center.

I'm completely thrilled that our newspaper had an editorial today suggesting that digital billboards just might not be an asset, after all. Columbia already has a complex, being sandwiched between Charlotte and Atlanta and always upstaged by both Greenville and Charleston. The idea of trying to become a mini-New York City is so absurd! Okay, enough for today's soapbox.

missgarney, the Confederate battle flag is an affront. I was only teasing when I suggested no one else move here, but I do find myself wondering where everyone is coming from...

surfside beach, SC(Zone 8b)

Just got back from 2 weeks in California.If you think we have traffic and developement here in the Carolinas don't go there.Even in tourist season down here at the beach our traffic is nothing compared to LA or the Bay area.

Next week I will be up at our farm where developement has not yet happened.I know it is inevitable but things just move slower up there.It's all right with me.We are in the "unfashionable part of Watauga County"


Myrtle Beach, SC

Hmmm....in defense of Myrtle Beach natives, including myself....we have a beautiful "small town" atmosphere behind the glitz and glitter of the "strip". Yes, we are growing rapidly, creating jobs for the influx of out of towners that relocate here for our delightful year-round climate and inexpensive real estate, relatively speaking. I am a retired real estate broker, so I know what I am saying is true, at least according to some of my clients that relocated here for those purposes.

I've lived here all of my 51 years and wouldn't want live anywhere else. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I suppose, but to bash and brutalize an entire town based on what you have seen in a few weeks or so isn't quite fair. I live less than a mile "as the crow flies" from the beach. It's quiet and beautiful and truly a "Donna Reed & Leave it to Beaver" neighborhood, yet, I can be in downtown Myrtle Beach within 5-6 minutes. I can be at Nascar, Myrtle Waves and Broadway at the Beach in 10 minutes and our brand new Mall in 10 minutes. We have some of the nicest chain and non-chain restaurants I've ever been to. From Grande Dunes Ocean Club (oooh lala) to McDonalds, there's something for everyone.
DH and I ride our bikes right to the beach without a problem. There is plenty of public parking for beach access in the less glitzy areas for those who want a quieter place to sunbathe.
My DH is on the City Zoning and Planning Committee, so as older buildings come down the newer ones will have to meet a different standard. Signage is changing also.
Okay, off my soapbox for now LOL. Myrtle Beach is a great place to live, work, and play. Most of the people here are very friendly and love to garden :))
God bless,Margo

Landrum, SC(Zone 7b)

jlmmkm, I certainly didn't mean to trash the Myrtle Beach natives! My ex and I lived in Ft. Lauderdale for several years and it was a nightmare in the 60's during tourists' season. And the tourists complained bitterly about it. As soon as they left, life became normal again. Most natives there lived simple lives and stayed away from the strip that is very much like the glitzy Myrtle Beach. I am definitely not a glitz and glamour gal! Just give me some peace, quiet, open spaces, land, trees, (you get the picture). My folks always said that if I didn't have to work I would be a complete hermit. Well, I am not quite that bad but almost. So I feel for the people who are being driven out by the developers. I have run as far up to the mountains as I could afford to go. And now, even if I had the money, I would not go up into them because the gated communities have taken them over. I am surrounded by the "Cliffs of Whatever". There are dozens and dozens of them. Wildlife habitats have been destroyed, trees have been hacked down, and public lands have been taken away from us. So it is NOT the natives I have an issue with but those who made and invested their money elsewhere and came down here and took what should belong to us all away from us. I am still trying to figure out where the prestige is in having a guard let you in, making it impossible for you to meet anyone new and interesting, spending several million dollars on a house that you can reach out your bedroom window and shake hands with your neighbor as he leans out his window.

So, Margo, I am with you. I will stay a few blocks away and play in my garden and my woods and stock my bird feeders

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Hi Margot, did you see that piece on old MB that ETV aired a few weeks ago. It was really neat and showed the beach like I remember it before all the high rises. They showed pictures of the first "resort", the beautiful old Ocean Forrest being constructed.
The residential neighborhoods in MB have always been lovely, quiet and leafy. Like you say just blocks away but miles in the ways of life.

Down here the paper companies are selling off all their old, unneeded, land holdings and there are some truly outrageously large developments going up. No high rises here but people, people and more people coming. A 12,000 home development is coming to Jasper county - present population 5,000. Hmmmmmmmmmm

What I don't understand is, with golf courses going bankrupt at astonishing rates, why do they keep building more golf courses?????

Landrum, SC(Zone 7b)

Good one, ardesia!

I passed two fancy golf courses today that are connected to gated communities and there was not a single player to be seen. And just a couple of cars by the club house. I guess that they were out like me, looking for a nursery that sold compost. My favorite had gone out of business. Replaced by guess what? You got it! Gated community with golf course and tennis courts. In this close to 90 degree weather, I would be looking for a pool!

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

The number of golfcourses on Hilton Head and in Bluffton is over the top. Think 3 failed and closed up this year so far. Jasper county is insane, their planning 10's of thousands of homes and commerical develop there. I just don't understand where these people will come from or how they'll make money. I guess retires but why move to Jasper county, no water, hot, humid and nothing in Jasper county? Most of Jasper county works in Beaufort county. Trees and a lot of swamp, it's nice to hunt there but why live there? I just don't get it.

Pawleys Island, SC

Just a note about Medway Plantation- it is under a conservation easement(I believe by the people that bought it in the 1920's or 30's.)It will never be developed.There are also endangered woodpecker colonies on the property that are protected.It is also the oldest masonary residence in the state and at one time, the plantation made brick and some of the old houses in Charleston are made with this brick.The previous owners were quite aware of the value of the plantation and took steps to protect it.

Landrum, SC(Zone 7b)

marpop, how wonderful! It is always great to read that someone thought ahead. I have heard so much about Pawleys Island and always wanted to go. It seems that by the time I get the time and money, these places have turned into tourists areas which I try to avoid like the plague. I hope your lovely island is still what I have heard others tell me about it. My area has been discovered by the "horse" crowd. Not exactly the circle I run in. Since both my kids are set for life I figure I will leave my little 3.6 acres to the Nature Conservatory. My woods are just now reaching the final climax stage and there is so much logging around here, maybe I can save a little piece for our little friends. My neighbors think I am nuts. I have food, water, brush piles, etc. They are not too happy because although I welcome them to come and shoot - they may shoot only with a camera. I have "No Hunting" signs all over. It is not exactly Medway but the best I can do.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Way to go MollieB !!!!!

Landrum, SC(Zone 7b)


Myrtle Beach, SC

That's so cool, MollieB. I love to sit in the backyard and watch the ducks on the pond behind us. We have 6-7 babies right now that are soooo cute. I hope no one tries to tame them to the point of being "people friendly"....it only leads to the kids loving them to death, literally.....
My Grandchildren just left after a week's visit. It was hard to teach them to toss brerad crumbs and cookies to them, since they have seen photos of me feeding them from my hand. We had a great time...so much to see and do. She is 10 and he is 12, so there wasn't a generation gap, yet, LOL.
God bless everyone, Margo

PIRL....my Crinum bloomed !!!!

Thumbnail by jlmmkm
Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Have some ducks myself, ugly and not sure where these guys came from but they seem to call my lagoon home.

This message was edited Jul 24, 2006 12:09 PM

Thumbnail by CoreHHI
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Come on Core, remember the ugly duckling turned into a swan. LOL

Denton, NC

For everyone who wants quiet and to enjoy the coast without the lights and whistles. (every teenager in north and south carolina goes
to myrtle beach for their first driving trip) My brother used to live there
and said that they have the highest teenage accident rate in the southeast.
Go to the outer banks of north carolina. There's basically 2 distinct
vacationer areas. The part of the OBX that include Duck, n.c. and Corolla
are in the high range. This is an upper end tourist area where you can
rent an ocean front home for $10,000/per week. You can go lower
but you can go higher. Go to the other end. Go to Avon, or Hatteras, anywhere on Hatteras island. A large part of Hatteras Island is a federal wildlife preserve and will not be developed. You have a main road and one or two streets on either side. All homes a few small hotels but no
no highrises allowed. From some homes you can see both the ocean
and the sound. The rates are reasonable and the island is peaceful.

There's a part of the sound that is name "the canadian hole" It's
named this because we get a great deal of Kite sailing and wind
surfing. This is beautiful,noiseless and require a great deal of skill.

As another DGer noted if you don't want the glitz go to south myrtle beach, Georgetown,Pawleys Island, Merrills Inlet, you are in another world from Myrtle Beach.

Come enjoy the outer banks and relax

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