What will grow on a stone wall in the shade?

Norwalk, CT

Our new home has a back yard that slopes uphill to a beautiful old stone wall. On top of that wall, however, is our neighbor's old, run down, 8 ft fence. There's nothing at all growing on the two foot ledge in between, not even a weed! And to make matters worse, it is in full shade. Help! I dream of planting a prolific climber that masks the ugly fence and provides a worthy background for our stone wall...but I would settle for anything green that can thrive in these conditions. Any ideas?

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Can we have a pic?

...nothing is easier than ivy. It climbs/clings by itself and is mostly evergreen(not sure about your zone, but evergreen here)
If that is too boring, there are also very pretty variegated ones.

You could also try climbing hydrangea vine, if it gets any sun at all (even dappled).

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