the first canna in my new garden/home

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

i planted these at the end of january. here is the first bloom, not opened up fully yet, but i couldn't wait. dwarf Canna "Lucifer".

Thumbnail by trackinsand
Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

Very nice! Please, post another pic when it's opened all the way! Enjoy~!!!!

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

i will post and i will enjoy, LOL. i have a whole row of them and they all have buds. yipppeee!

Thornton, IL

Hey girl! I didn't know you recently relocated, hope you're settled into your new digs.

I love cannas. I suppose you're one of the lucky ones who can leave them in the ground all year? Isn't it exciting to see new plants pop out of the ground like magic? ;-)

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

hey yourself girl! yes, we moved into the house next door and now are fixing the other one up to sell it. i finally got a garden in. since these guys first poked out of the ground i've been like a mother hen. they are finally big enough that i'm not worried something will step on them! LOL i will post the whole garden when the rest of the cannas start blooming. debi

Thornton, IL

Oh now I'm not the only one, I moved from down the street 5 years ago. That was a sight! Bet your neighbors were scratching their heads. Well now i can't wait to see the garden. PG

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

the mail lady is really confused! i have stuff going to both houses and when she delivers at one place, invariably i'm at the other! you should have seen me moving. i carried everything but the big furniture myself. i wore a rut between the two.

Thornton, IL

Yeah, we just threw everything into the truck, unboxed, it was pretty crazy. Then I caused myself to go into premature labor (false alarm) by moving my rocks!

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

lol, i dollied all my plants over and about every third day had to stay in bed with icepacks on my back. yep, it was a sight. we do some crazy things, don't we? i don't know where i got the energy, but it was like i was on fire.

Wesley Chapel, FL(Zone 9a)

I have 3 'Lucifer' plants, in pots. After seeing track's picture, I gotta get them in the ground - tomorrow.


mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

steve, i will post another picture of the whole row in the morning. they aren't all blooming yet, but almost there!

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

here are a couple of pictures, but the camera and the sun were not cooperating today so everything is a little blurry. these are my lucifers and african iris.

Thumbnail by trackinsand
mid central, FL(Zone 9a)


Thumbnail by trackinsand
mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

these are my orange ones, i don't know what kind. they are just starting to send up buds. these aren't dwarfs.

Thumbnail by trackinsand
mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

here's a couple of wyomings and a tropicana in the backround

Thumbnail by trackinsand
Thornton, IL

Gorgeous gardens! I love how the irises complement the canna foliage. I really like your statue too. What is the large-leaved plant to the right of the statue please, in pic #2? Maybe not hardy here, but one can dream. It looks like it was good pool weather there today.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

oh, you can grow that! it's castor bean, ricinus communis. i grew those from seed this year. that one tops out at about 6', it's carmencita, with reddish leaves. the species gets about 12'. there is a guy on the tropicals forum, i think he's in minnesota, his are as big as trees! they freeze and die, even here, although i'm hoping that the overhang might protect them this winter. if not, i will grow some more next year. i'm just experimenting since coming here. only thing, the seeds are deadly poison. can't have dogs or kids picking them up. they are really fun though. thanks for your kind words. yes, pool weather today for sure. i wish we had one (and time to get in it)!

Thornton, IL

I'm psyched! That's what I thought it was! Yay, that's been happening more lately.

How long ago did you plant the seeds? I have to plant some soon, I'll look for these. thanks.

My DH brought one of those above ground pools home last year, what a pain in the neck! For me. All nice and clean for him to come home and take a dip, & kids to cool off (as long as I supervised). Gee, I missed going to the public pool. LOL

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

we moved into this house around the first of the year, i think i planted them maybe the end of january, in those little peat pots. i used one of those plastic nursery trays and set them all in it and then had the whole thing in my little red wagon. during the day they were outside in part sun and at night i wheeled them into the garage. a couple of nights i had a blanket on top of the whole thing. we had 2 nights this year of below freezing. as soon as i thought it was safe, i planted them. i've got them all over the place. i got my seeds from johnny's and i never dreamed they'd all come up. i ended up putting 2 seeds to a pot and then cutting off the weaker one. i still wound up with 20 plants! a lady down the street had one of the big ones in the middle of her yard. i drive by a couple times a week and i always look to see if it made it, but no, it hasn't. those 2 cold nights did it in. we are so windy here that i opted for the medium size, rather than the big ones.

my dad had a public pool when i was growing up in st.louis. now that was some fun!

Thornton, IL

Maybe that neighbor would appreciate one your plants? I know I would! Well, I'll start earlier next year, I'm cooking up some plans to do a few trays indoors.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

you know, i thought about that, taking one to them. i've got some growing along my fence. i think i'll dig a couple up and take them to her. i should have done it before. thanks for being nicer than i was.

Thornton, IL

Yeah, real nice. Giving away your plants. LOL

Maybe you'll make a new friend. ;-)

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

LOL, their yard is kind of spooky/junkyard looking. i'll probably leave it on the porch and run!

here's my front yard before. we had a load of sand/clay/loam brought in to fill this hole in front and lined the indian hawthorne with blocks to hold the soil in, then brought in the compost. edited for spelling

This message was edited May 5, 2006 12:11 AM

Thumbnail by trackinsand
mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

this picture is a little fuzzy, it was taken a couple of days ago. we started the project in january.

Thumbnail by trackinsand
mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

here's a shot of what it looked like where the statue and other stuff is now. a difficult spot to be sure.

This message was edited May 5, 2006 12:09 AM

Thumbnail by trackinsand
Thornton, IL

What a difference! You should be proud of all that hard work, it shows. On second thought, just send well wishes in your neighbor's direction, LOL.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

here's part of that spot now.

Thumbnail by trackinsand
Thornton, IL

Great view! Wow, I'd love to visit. LOL

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

c'mon down!

Thornton, IL

How nice of you to offer. I've really enjoyed the virtual garden tour. :-)

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

we have a guest house and a pillow with your name on it! LOL

Thornton, IL

You are so sweet. Your welcome anytime here too!

Headland, AL(Zone 8a)

What is that growing to the left of your Tropicana? LOL! Hmmmmm

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

bad bama! that's a hibiscus coccineus. the ups man has been eyeing it too. i keep expecting it to be ripped from the ground and gone one dark night! LOL i will post some pictures when it blooms. debi

Thornton, IL


mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

no really, it is. no fingers crossed here!

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