Best Smelling Datura...

Zanesville, OH(Zone 6a)

This is my first year growing daturas. I have D. inoxia, D. tatula, and D. metel (ballerina mix). Those of you with experience growing various datura, please share which you think have the best fragrance and/or the strongest fragrance. And pics of your wonderful daturas are definitely welcome :~)

Thanks, Denise

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

I had a double purple open after 3 long days of waiting and boy was it worth it! I had brought it in to protect from the wind we have been having. It really filled the room! It smelled better walking by it than putting my nose up to it. It was almost too much up close. I don't know what the name is but here is her picture
I also have a double yellow is smelled good but not even close to the purple!

Zanesville, OH(Zone 6a)

Great pic! I'm no expert, but it looks like some type of D. metel to me. Hopefully, someone with more experience will know what it is because it is beautiful! And smells great...what more can you ask for :~)


South West, LA(Zone 9a)

I found the pic somewhere in this forum. I can't take the credit but yes its a very good picture.

Zanesville, OH(Zone 6a)

Well, I'm going to have more than a few daturas this year. I winter sowed some D.inoxia I got from Onalee. This early spring, it didn't look like anything was happening, so I put some more in Jiffy the same time I sowed 'Evening Fragrance' (which I think is the same or similar to the D. inoxia from Onalee) and D. metel (Ballerina mix). Right after I did that, the winter sowed daturas started popping up! So far, there's six from that alone. Of the daturas I started in early spring in pellets, the D. metel are coming up now. There will be at least five of those (I put 2 seeds per pellet...5 pellets...some of which both seeds have germ. and I might try to extract the extra seedlings early). And then 5 each of the 2 different(?) D. inoxia. Now, we have a decent size lot in the city...but not huge LOL! I'll find placed for them...maybe give a few away. I think my in-laws might like to have one or two. Between the daturas, nicotiana, petunias, honeysuckle, sweet alyssum, butterfly bush, moon flower vine, various stocks, phlox, 4 o'clocks, dianthus superbus, lavender, peony, and others that are slipping my mind at the moment, I hope to have some glorious evenings sitting out on our back screened porch. And next year will be even better!

I hope more people will share their experiences with datura!


Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

I only had the Blackberry swirl last year, and I am sure that is the one in the picture, this year I am planting a lot more, I decided to experiment getting seeds started, I have a tray in soil, three lots in damp towel under lights, and a tray in rockwool, it has only been a week and the ones in rockwool are sprouting, nothing from the other two yet. the ones in rockwool will be easy to plant as you plant the whole thing so they will not be disturbed.


Montgomery Co, IN(Zone 5a)

I have grown the large singe white flowered Datura (I believe this is D. inoxia) and have grown a small white with lavender center called Lilac le fleur ( I believe this is D. tatula) also grown the double purple, double yellow and Blackcurrant Swirl (Are these metal or inoxia?).
The large single white Datura bloom was the most fragrant in my opinion.

Is the D. metal also a D. inoxia or is the 'metal' just for ballerina mix? All that confuses me! :o)

Zanesville, OH(Zone 6a)

I think there are several types of D. metel...Ballerina, double purples/yellows, triples, etc. I'm not sure of all the D. metels. I know that depending on what your reading, D. inoxia is sometimes called D. metel or D. meteloide. It does get very confusing. There are other daturas that are called different names, depending on the source. Perhaps someone with more knowledge can help straighten this out for us newbies :~)

I'm happy to hear that D. inoxia is especially fragrant. I'm sooo looking forward to enjoying them this summer.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

hello Y' All :)... maybe this thread will help scroll down to post i added in the thread on Oct. 6, 2003 8:31 p.m. to differenciate the different forms, colors of Datura metel.

if memory serves me right, i believe Datura ceratocaula : commonly called La Blanche is the most fragrant of them all Datura ceratocaula is NOT D. inoxia... these are two different specie of Datura. if u grow them all, u will notice the great difference in them.

the next fragrant Datura in my book is D. metel var fractuosa, commonly known Black currant swirl or cornocopia ... they can be white or creamy petals with stripes of purple underneath the bloom. this specie could be single, double, triple, sometimes quadruple in bloom but still come from the same strain. daturas from personal experience do come true in seed form. from previous experiences in growing Daturas, most metals does not have a fix # of petals but do vary from single to double to triple and sometimes quadruple. jmho

edited cuz i could not spell LOL!

This message was edited May 5, 2006 3:37 AM

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

I have 2 that I call my favorite "sniffers", first being datura wrightii "lavender halo" it's gorgeous and smells up my area beautifully, but my all time favorite for scent has to be datura discolor (white with gorgeous deep purple center) it was tops for scent in my garden.

here is the discolor (some folks are selling these now as French Kiss, and I have seen it going by other names as well)

Thumbnail by OhioBreezy
Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

and here is the datura wrightii, second only to discolor above :) that is just my opinion from my gardens

Thumbnail by OhioBreezy
Zanesville, OH(Zone 6a)


If at the end of the season, if you have extra seeds of your good sniffers...keep me in mind :~) Hopefully, I'll come across seeds for the other datura, too!


Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

Denise, I have seedlings of the d. wrightii's now, but still no d. discolors this year, I acquired seeds (because mine were grown in 2003 I think) and it didn't reseed in my gardens because I eliminated the seedpods, anyway, that was before everyone was wanting datura seeds, but with any amount of luck and patience the ones I did plant will grow of the d. discolor, and yes most definitely I will save and share seeds if I get any :)
It's an almost sure bet that the d. wrightii's will provide plenty of seeds again this year LOL they always do.

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