Newbie Needs Help!

Ocean Springs, MS(Zone 9a)

My sister gave me quite a few different kinds of flowers last year. She doesn't do names other than the basics, such as lilies, clematis, etc.

I brought all these plants home and gave them good spots. Now this year I need some help in ID'ing them. I'm posting here because some of the plants she gave me, she said were 'lilies'. That's it!

There seems to be three different types. I believe this due to the leaves and plants both. Any help you can give would be most appreciated. I don't know if they are oriental, asiatic, or something totally different.

Here's the first pic.

Thumbnail by dbibb
Ocean Springs, MS(Zone 9a)

Second pic.

Thumbnail by dbibb
Ocean Springs, MS(Zone 9a)

Third and final pic.

I really do appreciate my DG friends help with these.


Thumbnail by dbibb
Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

I'm going to guess the first is an asiatic because of all the blooms getting ready to open. The asiatics bloom first. As to the name, you'll have to wait until it blooms. Might also be an LA.

On the others, keep track of height and bloom time to help narrow down the identification. I have some tigers that have stems like that, but it might be something else.

Get good pictures of the blooms.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Your first lily is fasciated. (I think) It will be quite amazing when it blooms. This is caused by damage of growing tip -frost/animal/who knows. Should be OK next year. Post a picture for us when in bloom.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

Your first photo, wow, lots of buds! See the post a few back "really thick stems" I think its called. It explains the fasciated thing. Some kind of damage occurred to the tip and you get an abnormal quantity of flowers for that year. The next year it goes back to normal. There's a photolink on that thread that's crazy:LOL: The other two look like new seedlings maybe a year or so old. You may get one or two flowers this year and they'll get bigger next year. It will be easier to identify when they flower. Good luck:)

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Do come join us at

Ocean Springs, MS(Zone 9a)

Thanks for all your comments. I wondered if the way the first plant looked was normal. I see that it isn't. I will take photos as the buds begin to open for all to see.

Moby- thanks for the link to the other thread. I went and looked. It looks like that is certainly what has happened to this plant. BTW..I have three more just like it.

Could this have been caused by being dug up two to three times by animals after I planted them last year? Ot do you think it has to do with the crazy weather we've had this spring? Maybe a combination?

Thanks again.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Hard to say! Sure seems like there is a lot of it going around this year.

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