Too much plant - Too little patience

Saint Ignace, MI(Zone 5a)

Obviously I have way too little patience and/or experience.

This was my first year of storing dahlia tubers so I potted them indoors on March 29th hoping to give the garden a little jump-start once the weather warms. Did I ever have success!!! My only problem is that the plants are now about 15" and growing like weeds. We have few windows with any light in the house so I've been growing them under grow lights - a system they're quickly outgrowing. I've pinched out the centers a couple of times - Can I just continue doing this to minimize the height til I move them out? Or should I ask my DH to build me a coldframe (a tall one) and get them moved outside?

Think I'll wait a little longer next year.


Delhi, IA

Hi Rhonda,
One thing that didn't cost much and works for me____ I have a pallet on wheels which can be rolled out in the daytime and into the garage if the temps are going to drop into the danger area at night. Right now it has petunias and snaps, parsley and a few others on it. Have 2 but am only using one as the lettuce, spinach, broccoli and cabbage are already in the field. I've had these over ten years and can see them lasting another 5 or 6. Your plants are all conditioned for the outside when you finally set them.

Pick up a pallet and attach 4 wheels and a rope. Then raise the garage door and you are all set. Neighbors can always tell when spring is here. They see the car setting on the driveway cause Jean has her plants in and out of the garage. I stapled on some cardboard sides for a windbreak. They last through several showers.

This message was edited Apr 29, 2006 9:57 AM

This message was edited Apr 29, 2006 10:04 AM

Thumbnail by jamlover
Saint Ignace, MI(Zone 5a)

Hi Jamlover:

What a great idea! I think this might be the perfect solution to my problem. And what convenient timing... today is bulk trash pickup day in our village and I noticed that one of the neighbors didn't get his pallets picked up.

Thanks a bunch! I'm on my way to the hardware store for wheels!


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