Who is my weedy enemy?

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Here is what it looks like emerging. I'm sure it's a common nightmare weed, but can someone supply me with a name? The I.D. board is not as strong on Foes...

Thumbnail by Zeppy
Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

And here is the root (of the matter). I'm terrified this weed is going to ruin my veggie garden.

Thumbnail by Zeppy
Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I have no idea but great soil structure! I always fear the weed that travels via tubers. Maybe its Bishops weed. They start somewhat like that and they do take over everything but quite easy to dig up.

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Sofer. This weed (grass, whatever) is certainly enjoying the soil structure. Maybe it's quack grass...?? It is quite difficult to dig up.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Nothing is difficult to dig up with this baby! http://www.angelfire.com/nc/dynadiggr/index.html The only problem is the price. Have fun saving your garden. I always used raised beds cause the invaders are easy to identify as they start at the perimeter and dig up simply.

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Sofer, I didn't know you were a gadget geek. (As I come in from an hour with the flame weeder.)

The problem with this is that it's got rhizomes or whatever they're called, and spreads in such a way that when you pull, the dirt comes cascading off these roots from two feet around, damaging or displacing the roots of intentional plantings. This one really has me stumped.

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

I think it's devil's grass or quackgrass.

So an exorcism is in order, I guess.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

A cross planted over it should work then. Good luck. We don't have any invasive species here in montana except a few so winters kill or supress everything.

Your doesn't seem to have an auricle that clasps the stem properly for it to be Elytrigia repens. I have an awful lot of that around here. Could be Quackgrass (Elytrigia repens) though because I don't see all that well and grasses are real difficult for me unless I physically have it in front of me with a reference and even then they can be tricky. Try Digitaria ischaemum or maybe Digitaria sanguinalis? Whatever it is, it needs to go bye bye. Doesn't look promising as an ornamental in your lawn.

We don't have any invasive species here in montana except a few so winters kill or supress everything.
Whatcha smoken there sofer?

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

The only bad stuff in NW montana is plants that grow in disturbed soil in natural areas. IE Spotted Knapweed, and Houndstongue. And Knappweed doesnt bother my garden and houndstongue is easily pulled in the spring. (there are very few) Irrigation seems to stop both of these. They like poor dry soil. Though you could plant something that could be bad. IE Bishops Weed, Creeping Jenny, etc but these also dissapear if you dig them up and get them gone. Jenny stays in control pretty well here as well as V Creeper. No weed being smoked here. Well I do smudge to cleanse my spirit now and then, but I usually use bound sage.

Potsdam, NY(Zone 4a)

Zeppy, it is definitely not Bishop's Weed (I am fighting that stuff, too!) but it does look very much like Quack Grass. That stuff is my bane in the gardens! Can pull roots out a yard long! Only defense I have is digging/making raised beds with boards for borders. Slows it down, but it will eventually go over, under or find cracks to go through. I am considering clearing around all the edges, and eventually putting chips or gravel in the paths between beds. Good luck and be persistent. I have to dig all the beds in spring in order to make sure to keep it out. If left alone, it will make large clumps of very tough tall grass. Definitely a thug! BAM

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Bam. I shall exercise no mercy.

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