Lovely Rain

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

It's been raining here since late morning. A nice slow, soaking rain and did we ever need it. On Thursday, the state flagged my county (Anoka) and most counties north with fire warnings. This means no open fires, not even a barbeque. I thought it ironic as I just had fire wood delivered down from Brainerd.

Took the dog up for his spring shearing. I probably won't even recognize him, he was such a shaggy mess. He'll come home and bark at the alley for 10 minutes. He gets so cocky after he's been groomed. Do you think they know they are "lookin' good"?

Central, WI(Zone 4a)


Hope that rain is acomin' our way. We're really dry here too. In fact I just gave most of by beds a much needed drink. Didn't have enough time to really soak them, but at least they got some water.

I think I remember hearing a few days to a week ago on the TV or radio that we are under a burning ban also. No camp fires, no burning grass off. And, no throwing cigarettes out the window of a vehicle. I don't do that anyway,,,that's what ashtrays are for.

I want to get out there with the Messenger that I got in the co-op and try it. Can't wait to see how it does. I think I'm going to take a clump of something and split it in 2. Messenger one and not Messenger the other. See if I notice a big difference. In fact, I think I'll water the house plants tonight with Might Plant.

Well, back to work.


Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Just checked the weather map and it does look to be heading your way. It's suppose to rain through Monday here. Bummer for the weekend yard work, but we need it so badly.

Thumbnail by beaker_ch
Central, WI(Zone 4a)

They are saying possible showers tonight west. Tomorrow 60% chance and Sunday 50% chance, Monday possibly also. Glad I watered,,,LOL

West Central, WI(Zone 4a)

The rain got stuck on the MN / WI border yesterday. We didn't get a drop. However, it has been trying to rain today. Things get a little wet, and then it stops. We have however been promised a miserable, rainy weekend. YEAH ! About Time! Of course the weather experts don't always predict accurately. As far as the forecast this morning.....rainy for a week, except Tuesday. Let it achey body needs a break from the yard anyway.

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

It is a bit chilly 46º, but oh the lovely rain. Everything looks so happy. There was a strange noise outside this morning, I opened the window and it was birds singing all over. They were so happy. There was so many I couldn't tell one song from another. Guess they wanted the rain as much as we did.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Beaker, we've got your rain today. The wind really picked up a while ago and the clouds are sailing from the east.

I hear you Marie. I vacumed and mopped. Both very much needed!

Zenpotter, the birds have been like that here too. I love going out to pick up the morning newspaper in my jammies! I just feel glad to be alive!

West Central, WI(Zone 4a)

I usually go out on the deck when I let the cats out first thing in the morning. The lake is always so smooth and quiet, but the birds are just going nuts all over the place along with frogs,etc. We like the day when it is just gladdens the heart and rejuvinates the soul.

Of course.....this morning was an exception, but I don't mind as we really need the rain. But with the wind blowing off of the lake, it is really nippy out there. A good day to stay inside.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Still dark & gloomy here. Probably had near 2" of rain yesterday, not raining now but is windy. We were okay for moisture, but a nice shower is always welcome.
This will set back the farmers many days on corn planting. I would guess it is 2/3 done around here.
Lots of our veggies are up & going strong. Green beans started poking through. Carrots, beets, peas & radishes are standing tall. Seed onions are up so you can see the rows.
I seeded squash into 4 packs yesterday. We are looking to plant that out around May 25. We are going to use clear plastic mulch for all squash. To much weeding otherwise.
Later in the day, I transplanted some petunias. 9 trays of 4 packs. I haven't done that for awhile, but you never lose your thouch!
Tried to retire from it, but my son sweet-talked me!
Have a great day!

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

It looks like we are in for nippy and wet weather for awhile. The various greens are so amazing with all of this rain I can just stand and look and look. From the inside out that is.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Has rained off and on for 2 days now. I'm so glad we're getting it. I'm sure I'll notice a Big difference in the plants tomorrow.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Look out MN we here in Montucky went from 76F to below 30F tonight. All my too early placed annuals are under plastic with light bulbs warming the tent. You will have it probably monday or tues night. Just a late night picture of the bed I started too early.

Thumbnail by Soferdig
Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Just watched the weather report. No very cold for us. Lows in the 40's this week.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Not raining this morning, sun is peeking out!
Shot across our garden to the creek.

Thumbnail by CountryGardens
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

67*, sunny after being mostly cloudy, and cool at 4:00pm. Had a good inch of rain!

Spinich, turnips, onions, potatoes, daikon radish, carrots nutri- red and plain orange, and peas up. No green beans planted yet.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

57* cloudy and cold. Rabbits are eating the spinich, the spring onions are pulled, 9 out of 12 potatoes up, pulled a foot long Daikon radish for dinner, still picking peas and just planted green beans.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Jeepers,,,I don't even have any veggies planted yet,,,lol

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

GG I am in the same place that you are. I got some tomato plants at a swap yesterday so they will go in the ground today.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Hope you don't have the rabbits we have. We got rid of most of the feral cats, and boy do we have rabbits now! My fresh sowed green beans are going to break thru tomorrow and if I don't get some flour sprinkled on them the rabbits will eat them and I won't have any!

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

I went shopping today. Ended up with 1 Tomato,,,was going to buy a cherry, but when I got to the register, I discovered it was not the cherry. Also got a packet of Zucchini of which we will plant 1 seed,,,LOL

I have to hit one of the greenhouses around here and get a few plants for a couple hanging baskets for the deck. I'll get my cherry tomato and a few other things then.

I'm too interested in getting composted manure hauled in for the 2 new beds Bill and Jeff made for me yesterday to be worrying about veggies,,,LOL

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

As for rabbits, we have a neighbor who lets her two cats roam and they take care of all of the critters. I am not happy since that includes birds and butterflies. I didn't loose any bulbs this year, but the birds aren't around either.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

That was our problem. Between the straight line winds that took out a lot of trees, the cats took out the baby birds that did have a nest. I'm suprised there were any left to migrate back, but we now have birds.

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

What happened to the cats? Don't get me wrong I love cats, I have always had cats, I also keep them in the house, both for them and for the wild life.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

It all started with Smudge, who had kittens next door. She went on to have a lot more. Some were run over, some were not healthy and some just disappeared. Those we fed, because they were starving, were caught in a live trap, and given with donation to the humane society. We were overrun for a while. I sure loved all of them tho. Prettiest kittens I ever saw. They had symetrical markings. One cat decided to adopt us. I named her Martha, after Martha Raye. She had a real loud meow. One day we opened the door and let her in. She was the best cat!! She ended up with asthma and we took her for shots every 3 weeks. One day she decided no more. By the time we got her to the vet she could hardly breath. I had her put down and I still miss her a lot.

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