TB in Southern Iowa

(Sue) South Central, IA(Zone 5a)

I was checking out my gardens yesterday and just before dark look what I found! This iris is full of buds and these 2 stems are out there for all to see. None of the rest of my iris are anywhere near this stage (no buds at all yet).

I can't find the tag so will have to wait to see who it is.

Thumbnail by llilyfan
Cedar Rapids, IA(Zone 5a)

I can't believe it - none of mine even have a shoot yet - congrats on that beauty, and be sure to send a pic when it blooms - Dax

(Sue) South Central, IA(Zone 5a)

It is the ONLY one in my yard that has any buds at all. I think bloom is still a bit away, but will be sure to post when they open.

By the way am a Star Trek fan also and fondly remember Judzeea(sp?) Dax.

Arbuckle, CA(Zone 9a)

Big Star Trek fan here too, or as my daughter says 'nerd'. LOL

Jadzia would be a nice name for an iris, I already have 'Starship Enterprise', but it hasn't bloomed yet.


Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

I have large purple kooliad scented iris (padilla?) and small ones. The large are sending up blooms too. I sprayed for borers yesterday because the wind finally died down some.

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