Hurricane Expert: 'The 2006 Season CAN Be Worse than 2005'

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Hurricane Expert: 'The 2006 Season CAN Be Worse than 2005',0,4780959.story?coll=bal-local-headlines

Blooms has posted the names here

This message was edited May 20, 2006 9:52 AM

Headland, AL(Zone 8a)

Katrina was a warning shot. We can expect these weather patterns to continue for 10 years minimum...and possibly up to 100 years. Paleoclimatologists have found evidence that we are on the tail end of a 'mild' season that lasts for 100 years, with the harsher weather lasting 100 years as well. Also fossil records indicate that what is currently the northern Gulf Coast of NW FL used to be under water. Shell fossils have been found in SE Alabama and even as far north as Birmingham. It is possible that within a generation or two, the coast as we know it will be gone...and those of us with homes in SE Alabama might own Gulf Front property.

I grew up near P'cola...but when I got ready to come back to the area, between the weather and the real estate prices, I decided to move to SE Alabama instead. I iamgine I'll be Evacuataion Central for my family and freinds for the next few years...

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

sad news indeed...

Victoria, TX(Zone 9b)

I'll be hiding under my couch, if anybody's looking for me....

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Angel, sounds like as good a place as any..

surfside beach, SC(Zone 8b)

Who said that global warming was a Liberal Conspiracy? This is only the start of what's going to happen unless we DO something about it.

Thanks Darius for posting this.

This message was edited Apr 28, 2006 6:37 AM

Gulfport, MS(Zone 8a)

Mom was talking to the local weatherman a few weeks ago and he said the experts are expecting a horrific year. The gulf water temps are extremely high now and that is bad, bad news.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Scary news indeed, Jen. I just hope my sister gets this house (near Orlando) sold SOON.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6a)

It will be interesting to hear the reports that come from Monday's call from the "experts"


Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Just to give ya'll a cousin's oldest child is named Katrina...she has a younger sister named Helene.....

Frederick, MD(Zone 6a)

Mel...and Helene's a nice quiet gal, right ?


Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

They're headstrong Norwegian children with lots of Viking blood...don't have a timid or quiet bone in theire bodies.

Katrina followed the storm last year on the computer as a school project and her Norwegian classmates got a real education on the did she. She turns 14 this fall...Helene will be 10.

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Released today:

Residents in Hurricane Prone Areas Urged to Make Preparations

"For the 2006 north Atlantic hurricane season, NOAA is predicting 13 to 16 named storms, with eight to 10 becoming hurricanes, of which four to six could become 'major' hurricanes of Category 3 strength or higher," added retired Navy Vice Adm. Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Ph.D., undersecretary of commerce for oceans and atmosphere and NOAA administrator.

On average, the north Atlantic hurricane season produces 11 named storms, with six becoming hurricanes, including two major hurricanes. In 2005, the Atlantic hurricane season contained a record 28 storms, including 15 hurricanes. Seven of these hurricanes were considered "major," of which a record four hit the United States. "Although NOAA is not forecasting a repeat of last year's season, the potential for hurricanes striking the U.S. is high," added Lautenbacher.

Warmer ocean water combined with lower wind shear, weaker easterly trade winds, and a more favorable wind pattern in the mid-levels of the atmosphere are the factors that collectively will favor the development of storms in greater numbers and to greater intensity. Warm water is the energy source for storms while favorable wind patterns limit the wind shear that can tear apart a storm's building cloud structure.

This confluence of conditions in the ocean and atmosphere is strongly related to a climate pattern known as the multi-decadal signal, which has been in place since 1995. Since then, nine of the last 11 hurricane seasons have been above normal, with only two below-normal seasons during the El Niño years of 1997 and 2002.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

WOW!!! Buckle up.

Dothan,, AL(Zone 8a)

If I am not mistaken I heard the guy on the Weather Channel say a few minutes ago there is a low in the Gulf of Mexico they are watching. Not expecting much from it but just keeping an eye one it.

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

There is and it may actually bring us some rain. The outflow comes across the Gulf and Tampa Bay. Yes!! Our chances for rain starting today are 20% 20% 50% 40% and 20% and on into Memorial Day.
Best odds we've seen in a loooong time

Dothan,, AL(Zone 8a)

Please blow some up this way. We are so dry.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Here in Jax last night on the news they reported that some think this year may NOT be as bad as last.
I so pray they are right.

I try to stay on the positive, it's just my nature, but am prepared for come what may.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Hmmmm... I see the Pacific has it's first tropical storm. Can we be far behind?

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Suit me if they all stayed right there. West Coast equal opportunity! I just hate to hog all the fun!

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Wood cut and fitted for windows will be completed by the end of week...provided it stops pouring. I'm too far inland to evacuate but still need protection. Supplies, like bottled water, will be completed by end of the month.

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

UUUGHH Ohh come on no more storms I just got finished fixing LAST years damage! HUMF! Least we have our roof...I still drive and see tons of blue tarps because people are either still fighting insurance or don't have the $$ for new ones.

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Darius, are you going to be driving in this? Don't know what your route is, but if you go I-95, hang a left onto I-26 then north on up though Charlotte, you're going to have to cross it. I don't have to tell you to be careful, I know you will, but I'll keep a good thought for you on your journey.

Darius ... Please do be careful out there driving with that eye problem. I *know* you'll be careful ... but you have to watch out for the idiots out there. LOL Stay safe and let me know if I can do anything at all for you when you get there.
Hugs&blessings ... Elaine

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Thanks, IO1 and Pati. I drove through part of it, not much problem. Been here since Monday (late) and closed Wednesday afternoon. Just now got internet. You should see me... sitting on the floor and the laptop on one of those cheapie tables that match the cheap plastic lawn chairs! Hopefully will have some furniture in 10 days.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Who needs furniture when you've got a home and internet, too.!!!

We're all just sooo happy for you Darius. For years I sat on the floor on a cushion and played with my 'putor while it sat on a footstool. Sometimes I think to go back to that.... sitting on the floor had me in near Yoga position and my back was straighter than it is sitting here. LOL ~~ waving from Utah to Virginia ~Blooms

Let me know when you're ready for herbs. I saw where you are planting yours. Are you set up for receiving packages?

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Elaine, I have a small bed out front that I weeded. I have planted 2 thymes (one is variegated), rosemary, garlic chives, flat leaf parsley, 2 tomato plants and 2 yellow squash. There is one smaller bed with hostas that need to be moved to some shade and then I shall have some more space. That's all I will have room for until I get someone in here with a backhoe to level a garden spot for veggies and I build a raided bed in front for perennials.

I will get my mailbox up this evening or maybe tomorrow!

Spring Hill, FL(Zone 9a)

So what has happened to all the Doomsayers? No Hurricanes, no words of explanation fron the "experts". No links to fright sites, What IS Happening!!!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)


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