Help! What is eating my peony buds?

Claremore, OK

Is it spider mites? I see these tiny tiny webs. Here is a picture. I just hate this. I was so looking forward to the blossoms. I posted on the peonies forum also, but no response yet.

Thanks for your help,


Thumbnail by darlindeb
The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

Well, you might have spider mites, also, but they don't eat like that. They suck the juice of the plant, leaving those areas stippled looking. That could account for the tiny webs. Do you see any areas on the leaves that look like the chlorophyll has been sucked out of them?
There is a beetle caled the Hoplia beetle which feeds on peonies. It is especially attracted to the lighter colored ones. It is a small scarab beetle. Google Hoplia beetle and then look for it on your peony buds.

Claremore, OK

Thanks! I haven't gotten a definate answer from the local nursery, or our master gardener at the extension office. I'll google and get back to you.

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

LOL I'm a Master Gardener! Montgomery County, Texas.

Claremore, OK

This may or may not be the insect that is eating the buds. He/she was inside the hole in the peony. I'll post another picture below. I was going to squash the insect, but it flew off.

Thumbnail by darlindeb
Claremore, OK

Another picture of the insect.

Thumbnail by darlindeb
The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

Nope. That is a true bug, and bugs have sucking mouth parts (like a straw). You have a beetle, possibly a caterpillar, eating your peony bud. These both have chewing mouth parts.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

i just made the acquaintence of hoplia beetles this year in my new rose garden. they only lasted about a month, if that, and were only interested in the white and the yellow roses. i just handpicked them and threw them into a bucket of soapwater.

Claremore, OK

Okay, I found this inside one of the holes in the peonies.

Ceejaytown do you think this is the culprit?

Thumbnail by darlindeb
The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

Definitely could be the culprit. Spray your buds with Bt (Thuricide, Greenlight Bio-Worm killer). It is a bacteria, toxic only to caterpillars. They will ingest it as they eat the flower, and then it will make them very sick and they will die. Even birds can eat them with no harm.

Claremore, OK

I'll keep it in mind.



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