Imagine my suprise!

Andrews, NC(Zone 6a)

Well I have tried to start clematis from seed for several years now with no luck. Now for the kicker, this morning while strolling in the garden to see all the new things coming up, I spotted several (6) very small viney looking things around and near my HF Young clematis. Upon further investigation , to my suprise, they are Clematis seedlings still attached to the seed husk.

So here's the big Question, Do I leave them along this season or do I try to transplant to pots and nurse them. They seem very happy on there own as is.

Hello, Shirley are you out there??? Please help!!


Andrews, NC(Zone 6a)


Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

I think I would let them alone for awhile to be sure they get a nice root system going, but that is just what I would do, bet there are others here with suggestions, where are you folks???? LOL

Andrews, NC(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the input Breezy. I'm thinking this fall I will try to pot them up and nurse them for a year or two.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)


First of all, CONGRATULATIONS on successfully sowing & germinating Clematis seeds, especially outdoors in your garden!! Give yourself a big pat on the back! Well done!!

When it comes to germinating Clematis seeds, I think the best website that is loaded with valuable seedling information is Brian Collingwood's. He is one of the "up and coming" Clematis hybridizers in Great Britain. He has been hybridizing, germinating, & growing some absolute beauties. Make sure to take a look at some of the gorgeous Clematis that he has created!

Andrews, NC(Zone 6a)

Thanks Shirley I knew you would come trough for me!!!LOL. Wow that was a great site.


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

You're welcome! It takes time to read all of Brian's website, but it's well worth it!

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