Magnolia Betty as a Connecticut "Filler"

Wallingford, CT

I've got a wife named Betty, and a right-front corner of my house that faces North that needs something.
Most of the luck I've had with plants in our front yard in Connecticut has been Blue Prince and Blue Angel Holly, along with an assortment of Verigated shrubs.
A Miniature Balsum Fir is doing rather nicely, along with a couple of Burning Bushes and a Japanese Kerria, (sp?) that I planted two years ago.
Think a Magnolia Betty will be hardy here? The Zone map says so......but try finding a Magnolia Betty at a local gardening center!!

Thumbnail by soupy1957
Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

I see ton's of them around by me. Plant Files found one seller with a very good rating -

Wallingford, CT

Thanks Anita, I'll "check it out!"

Thumbnail by soupy1957
Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Hi Soupy! Don't know about Betty, but I wanted to welcome a virtual neighbor to the Northeast forum.

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