What to do with Dahlia seedlings

Beachwood, OH

Back from spring break and the WS dahlia babies somehow survived. Some are making the first true set of leaves. I had set them in a very sheltered spot with a cover over them, They didn't grow much but since they're alive I'm ok with that. So now what do I do? These have been sitting out in 40 degree overnights for the last 10 days with no ill effect so I'd say they are hardened off. When do they start making little tubers and when is it safe to transplant them? This is so cool but every step of the way I'm stopping to ask everyones help. I haven't got a clue what I'm doing but having a lot of fun at it.

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

They won't make any tubers until the end of the season.
I wouldn't transplant them out until it gets warmer in OH. You guys still can get frost so.... don't want to lose those tender leaves even tho they have harden off.
But this is just my 2 cents worth. Maybe someone from your area will chime in, like Candy, and tell you more.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Hi Andrea,

You know I actually have a flat of mine sitting outside since they will get better sunlight there. I won't officially plant them until mid May with my tubers, bringing them in on cold nights before then.

Beachwood, OH

I grew these completely as Wintersown seeds - (are we supposed to capitalize that for Trudi?) which I am pretty proud of! I haven't brought them in at all, just closed up the plastic jug tops and plastic bags and that has done the trick so far. Somebody commented to me before I left that if the seedlings were completely hardened off - spending nights with the containers open that they would be more ready to rock. So I left everything else open, but not the dahlias. We are forecast for nights in the mid-high 40's and days up to 60's for the next 10 days so sort of in a holding pattern as far as the dahlias are concerned. Hopefully they are building roots at these temps.

At some unGodly hour last night I remembered I had thirty pots of last years dahlia tubers sitting dry as a bone that I had potted but not watered as Poochella recommended. Some were starting to shrivel and only 2 had green sprouts. So I spritzed them all with an H2O2 solution this morning. Whether this will do anything at all I will no doubt be unable to measure. But what the hay I've gone this far. I also got a bunch of Messenger and am going to experiment with that this year.

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