
Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Is wintergreen the ground cover invasive? I am helping dd w/ her yard and they can not afford much so going to cover some of front yard with an evergreen ground cover. and do any of you have successfull stories to tell re: ground cover type roses? They can not afford to have their stumps removed right now so I suggested such a rose to cover the big ol' ugly stump in front yard. thanks.

Sammamish, WA(Zone 7b)

I don't have much experience, but I planted three little starts of wintergreen in mid summer 2003 and it's barely doubled in size. They are in part shade, so that may contribute to the slow growth rate, but I've been dissappointed. Does any one else have experience with wintergreen?

I've tried to grow miniature roses, too, but the deer love them. If you have deer in the area, I'd suggest putting up a fence or something to protect them.

Good luck!

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

Wintergreen probably won't do what you want. I'd say a few different coloured perriwinkle and maybe some variegated ivy you can buy cheap in the tropical section of the nursery/store will work with a small budget. The coloured ivy are not as aggressive or invasive and cover an ugly stump while looking good. The other thought is Euonymous - the variegated ones will climb, cover and hide a stump.

Everett, WA(Zone 7b)

I would wholeheartedly urge you to skip the ivy--it is a non-native, highly invasive plant. The Washington Native Plant Society is constantly trying to get rid of it and I cringe whenever it comes up as a landscaping option in our area.

You might consider using Beach Strawberry (Fragaria chiloensis) instead. It is very hardy, grows fast, likes sun to part-shade, is drought tolerant after it is established, mowable, walkable, grows to around 2 inches to four inches high, has pretty white flowers, and fruit you can eat (or not)! It is a native plant. It grows by vines so you could probably train it right over your stumps.

Good luck-

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Oh my gosh, I would never intentionally plant ivy in the yard. The small varigated kind in pots but that's it! I'd sooner plant choke weed.

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