Mammoth Elephant Ear

NE, PA(Zone 6a)

Today one huge Mammoth Elephant Ear 'bulb' is planted. How long will it take for it to grow? If you have one of these planted in your yard or not, I would enjoy hearing about your experiences.

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

I am trying to get them started in the house - last year when I planted them out it seemed to take forever for them to do anything. I think they need warm soil. Once the soil warmed up and I saw activity - Holy Hannah, the thing took off! I have some that I didn't pot up yet and might still put those outside as most of what I read says to plant in early spring....I guess I'll consider it an experiment.

NE, PA(Zone 6a)

Thank you for responding, Anitabryk2. Since April through July, NE PA had a lot of rain. This is the first year planted and the M.E.E. plant has 3 small leaves. Is that normal? Maybe it will grow larger before frost. Do you know if it has to be dug up and stored until next spring?

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

Hmmm, my ears are very large. How much sun does it get? Yes, you need to dig it up and store it for the winter.

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Anita, I always pictured you with normal-sized ears. My nose is big. Don't you think you should start your own thread for confessing large body parts?

Jane, sorry for the interruption but I couldn't resist.

Windham, NY(Zone 4b)

when i lived in louisiana, i had elephant ears that grew over my table.we used it as an umbrella. it depends on what variety you have. some stay small. . i potted one and kept it as a house plant. careful though, some people are allergic to the sap.

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

Erica - when you lived in LA, did the EE's go dormant?

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

I have an elephant ear which is getting it's third leaf. It is in a decorative 8" pot. I don't think it will get beach umbrella size up here in NE but it has already outlived the last one I had a couple of years ago that got gnawed to death by a skunk or a squirrel or something. I will take a picture tomorrow.

Windham, NY(Zone 4b)

anita- no. elephant ears were all year round. they were invasive too if you weren't careful. boy do i miss being able to garden all year round. you couldn't grow tulips and crocus,but green all year made up for it.

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

I figured that was why your EE's were so big. I hear they use them as umbrellas in some neck of the woods!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Dave is too funny!

I planted my first EE in May and it did nothing (visible) for the longest time but now has it's third leaf, just like gardenmart's. Wow! I wanted something big and noticeable but just didn't believe the size it would get to in dead shade! I'm impressed.

I will dig it, Janecline, and save it for next year! May even get two black ones...maybe.

Ericalynne: but we have the beautiful white cover in winter - don't you like that?

Anita: love the idea of using them as umbrellas - maybe even for fairy statues!

Can we all take pictures to compare sizes for Dave?

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

Sounds good - I will be away until next week, so you will have to wait until then :)

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

My EE feels at home today. It's got to be 99-100 degrees outside. Just like Florida! I was out doing preemptive watering this morning around 7 and it was 80 or so then. But the hibiscus and the EE seem happy!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I was out early, too, also watering. I felt like I was walking into an oven turned on the highest heat. Yes, the plants here seem happy and oblivious to the heat we scorn, Martha.

Windham, NY(Zone 4b)

my nastertiums are wilting and my roses aren't enjoying the heat but everything else seems fine. somthing ate all of the buds off my perrenial sweet pea!!! didn't touch a leaf, just the buds. even left the stems. i planted it from seed 2 years ago and this was the first year it was going to bloom! i don't even know what color it is!!!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

How tall was it, ericalynne? I'm wondering if it was bunnies or deer.

Windham, NY(Zone 4b)

it's only 3 ft tall. and its up against a fence. too close to my house to be deer and i have a mean and sadistic serial killer cat so it can't be bunnies. i'm thinking some kind of bug/caterpillar. probably my new number 1 enemy- japanese beatles. they ate all of the buds off my hollyhocks and are working on my roses as we speak.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I despise them but that doesn't do you any good. All I can offer is my sympathy.

I just bought these Super Mamoth Elephant Ear Bulbs. It says to plant the blunt end. Do I have the blunt ends? One has like 5 places cut off, is that the bottom or the top? My brain is small as a peanut.

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