Mexican Sour Gherkin ?

High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

Mexican Sour Gherkin

Does anyone have seeds of this? I meant to order these from Baker Creek, but accidentally left them out of the order... I was hoping someone had a few seeds they could spare. I have tons of stuff to trade! Let me know what you're looking for.


Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

Melissa - sorry, I only have the West Indian Gherkins. If want some of those, let me know. I don't care for the Mexican Sours.


High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

Kanita, I've never tried the Mexican Sours, they just sounded good. What didn't you like about them? What are the West Indian Gherkins like?


Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

I haven't grown any yet, but I have some seeds that you're welcome to. I bought them back when they were almost impossible to find, so they're a few years old, but I could do a quick germ test before sending. The ones I have are Melothria scabra, not a real cucumber, but I hear that they pickle well. I remember a wild species in Florida that always smelled like watermelon rinds when the mower went over them.

Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

I prefer the gherkins because they are crunchier and in general, I did not like the taste of the sour gherkins. I can't quite place my finger on it.


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