Filling up a big container

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

I just got a really big container that I am not sure that I want to fill up totally with dirt. It is about 2.5-3' high. Are there times when you can put something other than dirt in the bottom to make it less heavy and lighter if I want to move it? I know that some landscapers put crumpled up small pots (3.5") in the bottom to take up space, but I would think that the dirt would sink after a while to fill up the spaces left from the pots. any ideas of what you have done and how it works? Thanks

I just spent some time yesterday planting some 1/2 whiskey barrels. I use lava rock on the bottom and then some landscaper fabric on top of the rock. I then fill it with the soil. Lava rock is light weight and not really too expensive. It's also good for drainage.
That's what I use
I don't plan on moving the Whiskey barrels!!!

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

I use packing peanuts. The plant's roots grow through the styrofoam and they do wonderfully in half soil and half packing peanuts. You will need to add a rock to the drain hole and some landscape fabric (I use disposable diapers) in the bottom of the pot.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks guys those are good ideas. I have some lava rocks already and some packing peanuts...maybe I'll make a few layers lol.
KayJones-do you mix the peanuts in with the soil or do you put all the peanuts at the bottom?

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

You can also start with a layer of soda/beer cans upside down in the bottom. Then add a layer of landscape fabric over the toop of those.
This has worked for me.

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

Where do you guys get packing peanuts in quantity?

I use leaves to build up in the bottom of medium size planters. Also lightweight, and will break down into mulch over time (at least by the time the plant outgrows the pot!)

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

I use packing peanuts and I love the landscaper fabric idea - I am definitely going to incorporate that into my larger planters!!!

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

Anita wannabe,
Where do you get your packing peanuts?

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

I save them when I get packages. I've also purchased them from an office supply store in a pinch.

Houston, TX(Zone 8b)

I used to have a gift shop, and threw away LOTS of packing material. Just go to any gift shop and ask them if they have peanuts in the back room. If not, ask them if they'll call you when they get a shipment. Trust me, they'll be glad to give them to you. They take up so much room in the dumpster, and it's great that they can be recycled somehow. I use them myself in pots, and I've had great luck. She's right --roots grow right through the styrofoam.

I always use packing peanuts in my large and hanging planters. I usually save them from packages, get them from work and sometimes the PO has them by the door to recycle.

Great ideas everyone.
Just make sure you don't use the Bio-Degradable starch based peanuts. I have found them mixed in with the styro ones before. Kinda defeats the purpose if half of them melt away.
Speaking from experience...LOL

That's a good point about the dissolving ones. Also make sure if you get some bags they are tied securely before driving off. I once left work with three bags and one wasn't even tied. Halfway home I looked like I was driving a big jiffy pop car. The peanuts were flying out the window and all over the car. I pulled over and tied the bag. I found the peanuts for months later - they were under the front seat. LOL

L O L!!!!
How funny. I bet we all have had some mishaps.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I've also used blocks of styrofoam insulation from a builder's supply. You can easily trim it to any size. Just make sure it isn't treated with any chemicals. You can also cut up the styrofoam packing that comes around boxed items like small kitchen appliances, electronic equipment, etc.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

Wow a lot of good ideas going here...maybe I should go get a couple more of the containers!
But i still am confused about the peanuts-do you mix them in with the soil or put them at the bottom and then put the dirt on top after the weed block? I think the latter-right? That would look kind of weird with all those peanuts poking their heads up out the dirt lol

With large containers I just fill up the pot halfway with the peanuts and then put the soil in. I've never used the weed block.

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Tigerlilly123. If you want to save yourself some work put the peanuts in grocery bags, be sure they are tied , Not necessary to fill the bag completely. I put 2 or 3 or move in the bottom of my large pot, Haven't deemed it necessary to cover with the weed fabric. So then when you want to use the pot again the next time you aren't scattering peanuts all over if you turn the pot upside down to empty, and the bags of peanuts can be used again if no large holes. I usually, depending on what I am planting, have 10 or so inches of soil on the top of the bags of peanuts.


Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks Donna, will do.

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

Donna- that's another great idea!

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