indoor elms to our door, not looking so good...

Syracuse, NY

Hi, I have 3 chineese elms that i grew from seed, They have been kept indoors over winter and unfortanutly leafed and droped several times before i could get them real sunlight as the temps would have killed them( zone 6a syracuse NY) My question is are they ok to plant outdoors or do they have some diease. The leafs seem to grow, are very weak yellow, brown and drop. Is this stress from being in a pot indoors and inadquate dormancy. OR has this stress lead to a major diease and shoulld be destroyed?

Haydenville, MA(Zone 5a)

My chinese elm overwintered just fine in the garden. Are they not hardy? I guess it didn't know. I am in zone 5 and it had minimal protection this year as there was little snow cover

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