Salvia guaranitica?

Appleton, WI

I have something that I think is salvia guaranitica from the information I can find. The plant grows about 24-30" high and has blue flowers up the stalk. It was here when I moved in and didn't spread at all for about 6 yrs. Then I pulled some and that seemed to start the process. I now have every where in three of my beds. It looks like it spreads by runners. Although someone who didn't know what it was but had some in her garden as well said it spread by self sowing. I don't like to use herbicides. Any ideas?

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

In TN, the salvia guaranitica(especially the Argentina Skies, light blue one) spread, but wasn't terrible. It spreads mostly by runners. I used to either pull it up in spring or dig it out when it got out of hand.
Here in TX, I can't get it to grow! I've killed so many. The hummingbirds love salvia guaranitica.

Appleton, WI

I haven't seen any hummingbirds near it. But I've never seen hummingbirds in my yard even tho I try. Want me to send you some seed later?

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I would love some seed.

Appleton, WI

Calilily, Why don't you email me your address and I'll send you some. As a matter of fact I am pulling out some today so I could try sending plants if you'd like. My email address is

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I sent an email. I would love some salvia. I've really been working on improving my soil so I can grow them and I saved some partly sunny spots (they don't seem to like full sun here)

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