You've got to see this movie

Metuchen, NJ

In celebration of Earth Day coming.

Eau Claire, WI

Hey Joulz,

I thoroughly enjoyed that nifty little piece of film making...great way to get my day going. Thanks!

Great South Bay, Lon, NY(Zone 7a)

Very nice.

Elburn, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh nooooo--you're going to get Guy all worked up again--prepare yourself.

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

Now you teasers really have me wondering, dang it. My connection is much too decrepit to view videos! What's it all about, Alfie?

Guy S.

Metuchen, NJ

My dear Guy, I was going to tell you to make sure you had some cold water around when you watched the movie.

Hey, not to worry, it's nothing you haven't seen before. It's that one bud on my Aristocrat Pear tree photographed over a year's time, each picture transitions into the next, so, the bud, like, pops out, and reproduces and makes seeds and then turns red and falls away when it gets cold, and then whoosh it wakes up again! The whole thing is set to a beautifully romantic piece of movie music by Thomas Newman. Seriously x-rated for YOU.

NOW when are you going to get DSL or cable? Come ON, it's the digital revolution. Oh, sorry, I shouldn't use that word, "digital" around you.

Happy Earth Day!

Beautiful photography as ALWAYS and excellent choice of background music. You have got to be the most creative person we have with that camera of yours! You have a gift whether you realize it or not.

But Didya have to immortalize an Aristocrat Pear ;)

Elburn, IL(Zone 5a)

Guy needs WildBlue! Go to and get a real internet connection Guy!

Metuchen, NJ

Equil: I know I KNOW!

Sorry for that. I've been trying to find something better. Sugar maple flowers just aren't all that pretty, but I've been taking pictures of a branch on my sugar maple so that I can do a similar year-long project like that one. We'll see how it goes.

Thanks for the very generous compliments!

Twenty lashes with a wet noodle for you little lady ;)

Lemme see the Sugar Maple!

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 5a)

WOW! That was wonderful! You have more talent in your little finger than I have in my entire body. (:o)

I just purchased an iMac and I see that your little movie was created on your Mac. Very cool! I won't ever be able to do anything like that, but I guess I can dream (:o).

The next time you put a movie link up, I'm going to get the popcorn ready...
Thanks again,

Metuchen, NJ

Thanks Mike! You could do it though. It's not that hard. Your new iMac comes with everything you need to do what I did, except the camera and a year's worth of pictures. You'd have to get some music in your iTunes library, but other than that, you're good.

Equil: I'm so bummed. The one sugar maple branch I've been photographing since last year didn't get ANY flowers on it. Ugh. Moral of the story: you can't predict nature.

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

Nuts. NUTS, I say! Sounds like fascinating photography despite the total incompetence of the casting director!

I might be able to save up enough someday to get a wireless connection, if I win the Lotto. No DSL available out here, "in your lifetime" quoth the phone company bozo, with a mocking laugh. Cable? What's that? But we do have indoor plumbing, when it works!

Guy S.

Thornton, IL

That's the price you pay for your own little Idaho. I'm surprised you've got electricity.

Joulz - Great job! I really enjoyed it, until my husband came and looked over my shoulder and said "I thought you were coming to bed", not without some tree porn first!! Aha, we may have just coined a phrase, wonder if this thread'll get yanked now. LOL

I really enjoyed your labor of love, you make do with what you have, as far as subject matter.

how did the winter sowing go Equil?

Sorry about your Maple branch Joulz.

Hey PGZ5- I don't think we have any tattle tales here so I suspect your newly coined phrase will stick. I personally thought it was sort of funny given almost every one here is a plant geek to one degree or another and we're a pretty clean bunch.

So far I have germination in 5 Sarracenia trays, 1 Drosera tray, 2 native grasses, 1 federally endangered species, 3 threatened species, 12 assorted native herbaceous perennials, and 5 non-native heraceous perennials. I have one American Yellowwood that poked above ground- this makes me very happy. I cheated (I pulled a treelover3) and lifted an assortment of Oak acorns (just a little bit to peek mind you) and I saw tap roots shooting out. Give it just 2 weeks and I will hit germination in another 30-40 trays. Another 2 weeks after that and there should be germination in another 50 trays or so and who knows after that. I do have quite a few seeds that are double dormancy that were winter sown so I don't expect anything out of those trays this year.

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

That's the price you pay for your own little Idaho. I'm surprised you've got electricity.

Smart alec -- I'll have you know that our electricity service is better than the service in the entire countries of Iraq and North Korea!

Guy S.

And the indoor plumbing you done got yerself there was purty darn exciting too! Didya set off fireworks for your first indoor whiz?

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

Now PartyGirl and Evilibrium are trying to gang up on me. Well, it's not working. I'm still happy out here in the hinterlands where I can't see another house from my house. Nyah nyah!

Besides, indoor plumbing is for showers only, isn't it? I still seek the deep woods for whizzing!

Just wait until your first visit here. Bring PG with you and we'll show you both lotsa trees and the finer points of country life. Maybe I'll even let you see my great Albizia . . . and maybe not! But you gotta bring a couple of those big, gnarly buckthorn stumps with you for my woodworker friend.

Guy S.

Metuchen, NJ

Call me obsessive compulsive, but I edited the movie to include more shots from this year. This time there's a worm in the movie and nuts.

Guy, you'll just have to use your imagination. (You probably just did.)

For those of you willing to give up another 3 minutes to my obsessivness,
here's the link to the archive post again.

I have surveying flags by your stumps. I need to make sure they don't sucker up and then they are yours. That Buckthorn has great rosy heartwood. I keep looking at that one that is absolutely huge and wonder what your friend will create out of it. My mind is a blank because I'm not all that creative but I sure would love to see the end result of that stump.

Say Guy, you do realize that I bascially grew up without indoor plumbing right? We got our first indoor bathroom in I think it was 1977 or somewhere around there. I was in college at the time. My mother loved the Sears catalog for obvious reasons. It held a prominant spot in the outhouse and you just ripped off a sheet as needed. We got a bathroom inside the house before we got a private phone line in the late 1980's. You people have no idea what it is like to be a primping teen when you have to get up on the counter and take a bath in the big old soap stone sink. Does anyone out there know what it is like to be a teenager trying to talk girl talk to a girlfriend on a party line? Try to talk to a potential boyfriend that your parents might not approve of and your parents will know about that future date within about 15 minutes and you can take that to the bank! Our area was one of the first to get electricity but that was well before my time. We had a tv too when I was real young but I kid you not, I think the screen was all of like 6" x 8" but maybe my memory has failed me. We were pretty poor and being in a very rural area didn't help matters.

Say Joulz- love your obsessivness!

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

Call me obsessive compulsive, but I edited the movie to include more shots from this year. This time there's a worm in the movie and nuts. Guy, you'll just have to use your imagination. (You probably just did.)

My imagination might be fertile, but I need a few more hints here!!!

Equil, those Sears catalogs were not the best choice. Slick paper and all . . . stick with corn cobs! (Jeeez, look how poor Joulz' artistic thread has degenerated into this -- sorry Joulz!)

Guy S.

Guy! They weren't slick paper back 35 years ago! Corn cobs??? Interesting.

Metuchen, NJ

That's Ok, EQ, I'm enjoying the discussion, though we should really be careful about the sorts of visual images we plant (so to speak) in Guy's head.

Guy: in one of the new shots, the blossom petals are, um, dare I use the word? Three letters, starts with a w. Is caused by forces in nature that create an energy beyond human control.

Woo hoo!

Metuchen, NJ

A Year in the Life of One Bud, the Poem:

In my yard are many buds,
just one so famed as you!
I love to watch your palette change
your brilliant spring debut,
your summer rains, your autumn hue,
I dream of every cell,
and even when the winter comes,
I never bid farewell.
It gives me such a deep reward
to know you through and through,
because I see in you the Earth
recycled and renewed.

P.S. Did I mention I'm obsessed?

Presque Isle, WI(Zone 3b)

Julie = Ma nature.

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

the blossom petals are, um, dare I use the word? Three letters, starts with a w

I'm outa here. I have no idea what you're talking about!

Metuchen, NJ

My dear Guy,
What happens when it rains?

But I promise I'll stop picking on you now!

Presque Isle, WI(Zone 3b)

Where's our wacky wordsmith when we wreally want him? :>}

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)


Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)


We went west, whirling the wayward wagon wheels. Wandered with wild wry in Wisconsin... waving windward wistfully. Wasted and winded, we would watch weasels, whales, and warblers while wetting one's whistle with white wine.

What wider whimsy would one wish?

Beachwood, OH

I'll just take the white wine!

Metuchen, NJ


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