trellis for a sky vine.

Ormond Beach, FL(Zone 9a)

I'm planting a blue sky vine. I live on the coast line so everything metel rusts in about a year even supposed rust proof things. I'm trying to cover a 20 foot area of a 6 foot wood fence and If I put wood trellis all along that area it will get quite expensive. Do you think if I use nylon string webbed around copper nails that it would be strong enough to support the vine or do you think I need the strength of wooden trellies. I could also do lattice panels. Any suggestions would be most helpful. Also any pictures of trellis systems would be nice to get Ideas from.

Mc Call Creek, MS

I don't think the nylon string and copper nails will be sufficient to support this plant. They get pretty prolific even here in zone 8a.

I wish I had some suggestions for you, but I'm drawing a blank for your situation. I'm getting ready to move mine to hubby's garden fence, which is made of hog wire strung on T-posts. Mine will freeze down, though, and start over again next spring.

Good luck!


Ormond Beach, FL(Zone 9a)

I think I'm going to try lattice. I can cover a large area and it will bw nice and strong. I'll hope for the best.

Mc Call Creek, MS

If you get that plastic lattice, I believe it is treated for UV rays, and since it is not just nailed together, it should be much stronger than the wooden kind. I think that should be strong enough, will look nice, and should work quite nicely!

Ormond Beach, FL(Zone 9a)

I just bought some today and they come in a few colors. I got the beige color and my husband will be installing it tomorrow. I'll try to post a picture if I can figure out how.

Mc Call Creek, MS

'Sounds nice! The beige should look more like real wood.

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