just updated my wants & haves list!

Ashland, OH(Zone 6a)

I just updated my list of wants & haves. Most of my wants are veggies....most of my haves are flowers. I just sorted thru my box of seeds to see what I have and a lot of what I'm getting rid of were seeds given to me by other traders as bonus's and I can't use them all. I have a TON of seeds to plant this summer...thanks to the folks in this group! Thanks everyone!!! Still real low on the veggies tho. Gonna see what I can get here before I do my ordering....so chek it out, folks!!! Thanks a heap!

Richmond, KY(Zone 6b)


You really should check out membership in Seed Savers Exchange. It's the first, and largest, grass roots heirloom seed saving organization in the U.S.

Each year in February members recieve the yearbook which lists all the seeds members have to supply. Last year, to put this in perspective, SSE yearbook listed 40% more varieties than the sum total of all mail order seed houses in the U.S. and Canada.

And that's just one of the membership benefits.

For info, go to www.seedsavers.org.

Ashland, OH(Zone 6a)

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You Brook! Am going there now! :-)

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Aunty B-
Here's more than you probably want to know about one of the plants on your list. Chelone (pronounced "kay lo-nee", I believe) is a wonderful perennial plant for a shade garden. C. obliqua has deep pink flowers, C. lyonii has rosy pink flowers, and C. glabra has white flowers. All plants reach about 2 to 3' tall. They are related to penstemmon, and their common name comes from their flower that resemble a turtle's head (it's a bit of an imagination stretch.....) I searched high and low for seeds, and finally located someone to trade with me. I bet yours will go fast, too!

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

I would love to have some of your White Penstemon and Pink Turtleheads. I have some Giant Swiss Pansies and Jalapeno pepper seeds to trade. Let me know if you're interested.

Tipton, MI(Zone 5a)

Do you still have the bamboo? Is it hardy for zone 5?
If you do I have the herbs you are looking for. please email me MJ.

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