A couple of new pics

Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

My first pitcher on N. thorelli X aristo, I love the influence aristo has on this hybrid.

Thumbnail by wolf9striker
Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

2nd pic is one of my purp bog just waking up. It has three different styles of purp. S. purpurea venosa 'Brunswick Beauty' on the left, S. purpurea purpurea heterophylla at the back, and a S. purpurea venosa from Georgia on the right. With a nice VFT for taste.

Thumbnail by wolf9striker
Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

Wolf, I am very new at this, but I thought a bog had to be wetter. At least thats what I pictured in my mind. The one in the picture looks fairly dry-I can do that! Also that you can create these mini bogs in containers-thats cool. You just use containers without a hole at the bottom?

Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

Looking at the picture it does look fairly dry but it is not, if you were to grab some of the peat and squeeze it water would run out. I use a few containers that are quite large for putting plants together in. I usually put a few holes half-way up the container so it doesnt get too wet.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks...I'll give it a try. Putting these in containers seems like a good way to try my first ones. I wasn't looking forward to going out and digging up my clay to create a bog...not yet anyway.

Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

Yes digging a bog is much more work then making a smaller one in a container, plus it is much easier to control the environment (temps, water level and so on) with a container.

Wolf- you have mail ;)

Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

Just checked my email, about time you posted in this thread, I thought only tiger liked my plants. And I was soo happy about the thorelli X arist pitcher :-(

Yes dear, your N. thorelli X aristo is very nice!

I've been holding off posting here because I can't find my round magnifying glass to be able to click away and post photos of our Nep pitchers. It's here somewhere. Not everyone can have pitchers as big as yours. I simply must find that magnifying glass.

All joking aside, he's got two little pitchers on his N. 'Allardii' and about a 3.5" pitcher on his copelandii and another one forming. Looks as if his 'Judith Fin' is going to pitcher again too and he's got one Nep here that is getting so big I don't know what he is going to do with that thing. I forgot what it is and I'm too lazy to get off my butt and go upstairs to look.

Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

N. 'Allardii' I am unfamilier with that cultivar. I will have to do some looking. Glad to hear Nicks neps are doing well, they should start picking up for him with the increase in daylength and higher temps which will increase humidity as well.

That 'Judith Finn' is a beast. Can anyone kill one of those? I have to remember to go take a look at that thing that he has that is making a break for the ceiling from the upper shelf. I'm thinking that plant may need to go bye bye if it's ok with him. Either that or he's is going to have to find a new home for it somewhere in the house where it has room to spread out a little bit more.

Morgan Hill, CA(Zone 10a)

Yes Lauren, Judith Finn is a monster among Nepenthes. On well grown plants you can expect pitchers 12 to 14 inches long and lots of basal growths. My adult plants send out basal growths about 3 feet across with gigantic pitchers. Not really the best choice for indoor growing...unless you have the space for it to get this big.

Wolf- Your thorelli x aristo is a superb clone. You're doing really well with it. That plant crossed with my spectabilis is going to be the bomb!!! And the pods are almost ripe! So.....now that you are going to be building your new greenhouse soon you'll have room to grow out the 5000 plants you'll be getting from this seed LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

5000? I was planning on mass producing it through TC and making the both of use independantly wealthy??!

Thanks for the kind words though, it took it awhile to finally form a pitcher from the cutting but now that it has it is going crazy. It has quickly become one of my favs.

Oh and the GH will be here the middle of May!!

Wolf, the purps are beautiful! Thanks for posting the photos so that I would have yet another kind of sarr to look for. I now will have to have some purple purps. Thanks alot!

Wauconda, IL

*I* could kill a Judith Finn...no problem!

The 'Judith Finn' may be a beast but "that thing that he has that is making a break for the ceiling from the upper shelf" is a highland maxima. I finally remembered to go see which one it was that was over on the far right of the upper shelf. I can't believe the size of that plant. I don't think anyone could kill one of those either. I already told the school they were getting a donation and the donation will be those two plants. They were both such cute little things about a year ago and now I am convinced somebody has been over feeding the pitchers or something.

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