Marvin's Organic Gardens

Chesterland, OH(Zone 5b)

Hello from up north!
MY DH and I are thinking of doing some camping down in the Cincinnati area this spring and I was thinking about stopping and visiting this nursery 'Marvin's Gardens' in Lebanon, OH. Are you familiar with them? I heard Marvin give a presentation at Hosta College and to say he was great is an understatement! then the cherry on top was that he gave everyone in the class a gift plant, they were all beautiful and healthy. I told my DH we need to see and learn more about Marvin and his place.

Can you recommend any other 'must see' nurseries between Cleveland and Cincinnati (off I-71) That are worth a visit for a shady gardener?

Having a wonderful spring, hope you are too!

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

So glad to hear you might be heading this way! Here are some ideas---

They say Marvin has quite a reputation as a 'character' and his nursery is pretty interesting. Glad you liked the Hosta College. Wish I could have been there. Family illness kept me away.

The Cincinnati Civic Garden Center plant sale is the first weekend in May, and don't forget about the Cincinnati Flower Show during the last two weeks in April. And the ORV RU is the first weekend in May, too, I believe.

There is also the Greenfield Plant Farm, and Earthscapes for natives, in the area...Oh, and Valley of the Daylilies if you are into hemerocallis is in the area...

And David T. Smith's Workshops for fine furniture and cabinetry is near VOTD. And Waynesville for antiques...

I'm sure others know of great nurseries and gardens in the area to add to the list...I owuld like to know about more (secret?) garden 'finds' along Interstate 71, too. I travel that road often and I'm always looking for interesting horticultural 'rest stops'!

LMK when you are coming down. There is a nice camping spot near us on the Ohio River in Woodland Mound Park And then you can stop and see us and advise me on how to 'rescue' our shady back yard---(it's a mess!)...

... t.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

I bought several plants from Marvin's at the Flower Show.
Always good quality stuff at a good price.
I haven't been up to the main nursery but my neighbor visits there a lot and loves it.
Greenfield and Natorps main places are also quite near Marvins.

In Cincy proper Benkins and Delhi both are good places to visit.
Benkins always carries a great line of shade plants.


Chesterland, OH(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the suggestions. I found information about natorps but not aobut Greenfield, can you give me anything else to go by?


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Here you go Shady,

They bought out my all time favorite nursery (Mountain Laurel) a few years back.
Good selections, heavy stocker of Terra Nova plants.
Nice selection of Hosta and other shade plants.


Chesterland, OH(Zone 5b)

Thank you Ric!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

As a person who has worked part-time at most of the above named nurseries, and as a person who buys way too many plants, I'll give a brief synopsis of Cincy nurseries.

Mountain Laurel Nursery: Now defunct, unfortunately. Most of the staff, including me, migrated to Greenfields, and then to Marvin's.

Greenfields: Primarily a perennial nursery. Good quality. Fair prices. All the usual stuff, and many unusual herbaceous plants. Might still have a good grass selection from buying out Ohio River Grass.

Marvin's Organic Gardens: My current part-time workplace. Good quality. Good prices. Not so much of the ordinary stuff; an unbelievable array of rare and choice plants. Full gamut, trees, shrubs, herbaceous. Big place, poor layout, bring comfy shoes and prepare to spend some time.

Earthscapes: All woodies, mostly natives. You can buy quite a few things here that are available nowhere else. Quality highly variable. Prices good.

Natorps: Big family owned nursery. A lot of B&B, though shifting more and more to pot in pot. Mostly the stock and trade items. Prices okay to high. Quality uniformly excellent.

Sharon Nursery: Often over-looked, but a very solid nursery just a stone's throw from all the above.

Pipkins Fruit Market: Seldom thought of as a Cincy nursery, but they offer a wide array of great quality perennials, herbs, annuals, and veggies.

Kassners: An old-time family nursery specializing in woodies. Good selection. Good prices.

Bzak: Perhaps up and coming. Surprisingly good catalog of plants.

TLC: Little family garden center on Reading Road. Almost always surprised by stuff there.

Burne's: In Middletown, I think. I've never been there, but it's supposed to be huge with a great selection.

Mary's Plant Farm: Out towards Oxford, I think. Again, I've never been there, but I've heard good things.


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Thanks Scott!
So that's where you guys went eh?
My yard's mostly shade and at least 75% of those plants are from Mt. Laurel.
There was no better GH in Cincy.
We have about two dozen 3/$10 open pollinated Hosta littering our landscape. lol

A White Mandevilla from Marvin's is at dispatcher's now after the R/U.

I forgot to mention the greenhouses on Gray Road off Winton right behind Spring Grove Cemetary.
I haven't been there in a few years.
Funke's Greenhouses, Rahn and one other who's name escapes me.


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the great rundown of local nurseries. I haven't been to TLC, Kassners, Sharon, nor Pipkins. I will have to check them out.

As long as we're doing a run-down of nurseries--add

Turpin Farms, a nice collection of perennials, garden statuary, sod and sunflower growers. A picturesque garden center to explore. Perennials and water garden plants and woodies. Also a wonderful Corn Maze in the autumn for kids.

Berger's which is along the lines of Natorp's but smaller.

And the 'Aquatic and Garden Decor' place on Route 42 (Cincinnati-Columbus Road) with all the aquatic plants, statues and fountains

Also Green Vista Water Gardens near Springfield which I have never been to but it looks great.

Anybody else have ideas?

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi, ric-- btw--are you going to the plant sale today on State Rd. in Anderson? Sorry, I don't have the times. We are having people over and will miss it.

And Scott-- didnt' see you at the RU?! It was great fun! Hope you'll be there next time!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

We'll be there at noon.
Wouldn't miss it.
Bring your people!
You know how beautiful that garden is! lol


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Yeah, Turpin Farms is getting better every year. Four or five years ago they were dismal. It's good to seen it improve.

Burger's is just rock solid for annuals, every year, and pretty good for perennials and some woodies.

Kassner's is out near the old Mt. Laurel and Bzak, on US 50, I think.

Pipkins is on Cooper Road in Blue Ash, and if you take Cooper all the way to Reading, that's where TLC is. Those two are an easy single trip.

No, I couldn't make the R/U. I was up in Columbus helping my son with a convention he chaired. Hopefully, next time. I'm hoping to swing by the plant sale today after work, but I might get off too late.


Southwest, OH(Zone 6a)

Marvin's Organic Gardens is truly an experience. Marvin is going to be giving a talk to our garden club in a week or so. I always love to hear him talk. He is such a character.

Kassners is on US 50 near Dry Run Road. So if you go there, you need to visit me as I live right down the road.

Another place that I love is MORE Specialty Plants. They moved from the west side of town to Williamsburg a year or so ago. They also have a satellite store in Sharon's Nursery. They carry lots of native plants and unusual plants that others don't carry. They also have some rarities and historical plants. Prices are good.

I have bought hardy crape myrtles there and yes I bought a Mimosa tree.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

A Mimosa? LOL!

Our 25' tree in the backyard is very prolific. (and a Hummer magnet)
We tear out dozens and dozens every year.
Them, Rose of Sharon, Box Elder, Black Walnut, Eastern Redbud and Maples seedlings thrive here.


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

We're getting a great list going here---

and where is the fellow who specializes in Azaleas and Rhododendrons?

What about the West side, though?

I know there are those interesting (and funky, literally) places around Spring Grove Cemetery. Funkes and the pointsettia place (Rahn's ?), and Mary's Plant Farm near Oxford, but there must be some great finds in those hills in Switzerland County, etc., etc. west of Hamilton county.

Chesterland, OH(Zone 5b)

You guys are getting a great list together. I can't wait to get out of town. We were going to go a few weekends ago, but the weather got cold again and I don't wnat to camp when it's 40's in the night.
I need to mark a map with all of these on to go...

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

The guy with the Rhodies is Chris Trautman. His nursery is Mobray Gardens. It is located out on Ohio Pike in Amelia or Bethel, I forget which. It is a good distance past I-275. I would call first because I think he is only open by appointment and during a few weekends in the Spring.


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Hmmmm right by where I work.
I'll have to check him out. Thanks Scott!

Southwest, OH(Zone 6a)

Yes, Ric a mimosa! LOL! I know everyone hates them but it is one of the few plants that remind me of home that thrive up here. Funny, my mimosa tree has never suckered or been messy as people claim. I love it.

Hi Tabasco, I know this is a little further than Switzerland County in Indiana but if you ever get a chance, Stream Cliff Herb Farm won't dissapoint you. Don't let the name fool you. It has lots of great perennials. Some hard to find ones too. And the place is lovely. It has a little restaurant in a cabin, a tea room and various little stores selling gifts etc.
It also has a history behind it. Something about Morgan's raiders. All these little stores and restaurant are located on the farm. And the food is to die for. I love their Lemon Verbena Lemonade.
Here is their link:

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

thanks for the tip about streamclifffarm-- looks like a most interesting place and a wonderful spot for a DG gathering! I will definitely put it on one of our Sunday drive itineraries-- for those who don't know the location, Stream Cliff Farm looks like it's near Madison, Indiana, which is on the river, btw,--it took me a little while to figure that out from the website...

I googled for Chris Trautman's 'mobray' but couldn't find a website, but this list of garden suppliers around South west Ohio came up. I can't say if they are good or bad resources, but at least it's a start if you are looking to do your own landscaping...

Chris Trautman's phone number is listed, too. His rhodie collection must be something to see-- it looks like he is a featured speaker at the American Rhododendron Society meetings around the country.

Southwest, OH(Zone 6a)

I have heard that Chris Trautman, Mr. Rhodie does have a great collection.

Another one is the "Hydrangea Lady" of Williamsburg. She has literally hundreds of hydrangeas. Her gardens are amazing when in bloom. She loves visitors to her garden and during the summer she oftentimes has teas in the garden with delicious food that her baker husband makes. If you ever want to go to visit, let me know.

Stream Cliff Farm would be a good site for a round up.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Moonlit, when I get moved up there, I would LOVE to go see the Hydrangea lady..I have a Blue Hydrangea that is potted and only about 8 inches tall at the moment.. I adore Hydrangeas and Peonys as I remember my Grandmother having dozens of each when I was young..I used to pick the Hydrangea blossoms and use them for bridal bouquets when playing *dressup*.. :-)

Southwest, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi Dusty,

Barb's, the Hydrangea lady, garden is breathtaking. Actually Marvin from Marvin's Gardens was there Tuesday and was in awe. I have to email her as she wants to join Dave's garden and I keep forgetting. She is in my garden club and I will see her in the next couple of weeks. Let me know when you will be available. Her hydrangeas have started to bloom already and continue throughout the summer.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Thank you Maggie...but regretfully, it wont be until next year before I can see them..We most likely wont be moving from here before next May..I wish it was next week, but too much to do in the meantime.. :(


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Just discovered this web site and saw your query about plants around Cincinnati. There's tons of places but here are a few. This is a list I put together for a friend who's new to the area. The best thing is to check out the web sites to see more of what they're about. Many will put you on e-mail lists with newsletters, discounts, etc. Also, many offer great classes.

This place sales dried flower arrangements, not live plants. It's a beautiful location and the arrangements are amazing (call first for hours).
Lanes End Farm
517 Baxter Road

This is not far from the above, they sale plants and interesting containers.
The Loveland Greenhouse
11924 Lebanon Road

Marvin lectures at various places around the area and he's very funny and knowledgeable. He's very into organic and has great suggestions. His son works there, he graduated from OSU's horticulture program and is very knowledgeable and a great landscape artist. His facility is growing and expanding. Marvin's Organic Gardens
2055 South US Route 42
Lebanon, OH

This is a wonderful place to wander. Their speciality is perennials, but they do sell some annuals. They have great classes and also another smaller location in Anderson.
Greenfield Plant Farm
726 Stephens Road
Maineville, OH

This is the native speciality place. They have great plants and also tons of information and lists of various natives.
Earthscapes, Inc.
10403 State Route 48

This is in Blue Ash, they have great plants and pots. They're also a little road side type store with wonderful fruits and vegetables. Many people from around Cincinnati come here for their produce.
(513) 791-3175

This is over by Spring Grove Cemetary (it's a must see place in Cincinnati). There are three good green houses by the cemetary, this is the best and oldest, it's been around since 1890.
A.J. Rahn Greenhouses
4944 Gray Rd.
Cincinnati, OH

Another by the cemetary is
Funke's (an interesting place, amazing collection of wind chimes for sale).
4798 Gray Rd. Cincinnati Ohio 45232
Phone 513-541-8170

The third one by the cemetary I think is called Osterbachs (sp?). It's smaller but good quality, they are between Rahn's and Funke's, all very close together.

This is off 71 at Red Bank Road. They have good stuff, also lots of gift type things and a pretty gift shop. Also a fresh florist.
H.J. Benken, Inc.
6000 Plainfield Rd.
Silverton, OH 45213

You see their ads a lot, there's another location. They do lots of landscaping. Their store is OK.
Natorp's Garden Stores
5373 Merten Drive
Mason OH

Excellent place for advice, membership available.
White Oak Gardem Center
3579 Blue Rock Road
Cincinnati, OH 45247

It's a bit north, off 75.
Berns Landscape
825 Greentree Rd.
Middletown, OH

Don't forget Denny McKeown, Mr. Midwest Gardener, check out his books, has newspaper columns, radio shows, etc. The web site has details and directions to his nursery in Blue Ash (pretty close to Pipkins).

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Well, now that you mention 'Denny McKeown' -- I have his book and have scanned his website often, but haven't been to his nursery. Is it as dull as his book? (Just kidding, but not really!)

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

OK Denny we KNOW the ground is too cool to plant.
Be COOL and don't sell them until it is! LOL

I really loved the Gray Road GHs.
Years ago there were hidden treasures in every corner.
Now they are mass production places mostly.
KILLER annuals at the first one.
Nice Houseplants and veggies at Rahn

Delhi in Tricounty and in Delhi are spotty.
Delhi used to have a great HP selection too.
Haven't been there in a while.
Take your coupons you WILL need them.

Benkins used to give a cash discount when they were wholesale.
Great ferns, annuals, trees, shrubs and perennials.
Full sized fruited tomatoes, peppers, egg plant.........great selection of smaller ones too.
If you need a specimen HP for your conservatory or Great Room this might be the place.
Major Tropicals galore.....especially Bird of a major price though.
Delhi Tricounty does them better, bigger and cheaper.
We saw a 15' palm go out a few years ago.


Chesterland, OH(Zone 5b)

Your list is great, you obviously get around a bit don't you~Thank you for address/links. Sooooo helpful.

Southwest, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi Dusty,

Barb's not going anywhere. Her garden will still be around and lovely as usual. She will probably have even more hydrangeas.

FYI since you are coming from a warm climate, there is a professor David Francko from Miami University in Oxford Ohio that grows palm trees and other tropical plants here in Zone 6. He gave a talk last year to our garden club of how to grow palms and other plants outside through our winters. It was very interesting. There is a section in Miami University called the Palm Court where he has planted different types of plants. He also has a book out.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the link moonlit...very interesting....Im bringing most all of my plants with me, as I have a large room in the house to over winter them if need be...It can get quite cold down here in the winter near the Gulf too...days in the 40's and nights down into the 20's-30's but it doesnt last long...I know my newborn Wisteria will be fine there...I have a small Kumquat tree Ive been debating, but if I pot it up, it will stunt it, and I can keep it in a large pot on wheels up there and easily move it to the garage or house during the winter.


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

What are the Gray Road green houses? Are those behind Spring Grove? Funke's and Rahn's and the other ones?

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Go up Winton and follow the wall.
Gray Road is on the left.
The GHs are on the right.
Rahn is after the bend.


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