Color me happy!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

This is what I woke up to. Even my husband was excited. He came running in and said: You should see your Daturas out front! I immediately got the camera out and took some pictures. I am so glad to have something blooming out there that the Deer won't eat!


Thumbnail by lily13
Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Here is a picture of my lovely tulip bed next to one of the Daturas. I recently read somewhere on the internet that tulips are Deer candy. Sure hope they enjoyed them.

Thumbnail by lily13
Phoenix, AZ


Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

how exciting for you!!! they are lovely!

Did the deer eat all the tulips???

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)


Yes, the deer either ate, or pulled up every single tulip that I planted, and I planted a couple of hundred. Oh, well, live and learn. They sure don't like the Daturas, so I am going to plant lots of them out front. I also have several Brugmansias in large pots that I am going to move out there when they get big enough. Looks like I am going to have to keep my roses in the back fenced-in area.

We have an empty lot next door, that is overgrown with grass that the deer like to lie down in. My husband takes the dogs out late at night, and sees dozens of eyes looking back from that area when he shines a flashlight over there. He says that they are just lying there waiting for me to plant some more yummies for them!


Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

LOL deer lying in wait (for you to plant) too cute, they can be destructive, but they are just beautiful to watch aren't they?

I planted 3 of my brugs outside already this year, will have to watch temps next couple of weeks "just in case" but wanted to try and get a jump on them this year, so far I haven't seen any of my datura poppin up outside, but the ones I started in pots are up and running.

Do yours have that wonderful scent to them (datura)? I love them where our patio is at night they smell just so good!!


Austin, TX(Zone 8b)


For some reason, mine do not seem to have any scent. Neither my DH, nor I can detect anything other than a faint odor similar to peanut butter. Is that strange? Maybe our sniffers are out of wack, because my compost actually has a sweet smell, as if it has been perfumed. I have been tempted to post that little tidbit on the soil/compost forum to see if I am actually putting something in there that is doing it (probably the half-chewed tulip bulbs!). The fear of public ridicule is preventing me from making that post, though LOL.

Yes, I love to watch the deer. I have seen more deer in the last six months that we have lived here, than I have seen my entire life. At dusk, a herd of about 15 of them comes down to the lake to drink. We see them from our back deck as they walk and nibble in the front yards. It is really fun to see the younger ones run and play, jumping off of large rocks and small hills.


Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

hmmm you need some of my Datura wrightii Lavender Halo seeds!!!!! they smell divine!
photo below.

too cute bout public ridicule, but hey, ask, they won't poke fun, usually the folks on here are so nice and chime right in perhaps others have found that same thing in their compost ????

click on pic and look at it big, I love this pic LOL, and they do smell so wonderful!! You NEED some of these seeds!!!!


Thumbnail by OhioBreezy
Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Way to Sheral!
:) Donna

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