Did I mess up planting my corn ?

Claremore, OK(Zone 6a)

I planted Candy Corn today. By-the-way, is there a difference between Candy Corn and Kandy Korn ?
I bought this in bulk at the local nursery, and it's handwritten...Candy Corn on the envelope.

Anyway, the question I have is............. I made my rows of furrows, sprinkled a little 12-24-12 fertilizer in the furrows, watered it in well, and then planted my corn seed. I've always heard that corn is a heavy feeder, so I thought a little fert. might help. I didn't have any composted material on hand that was ready.

THEN, I read on the corn thread, never to fert. at planting. OOps ! Too late, I just did. So now what ?

What's the worst case scenerio here ? Should I just start all over ? Is 12-24-12 ok for corn ? Anyone got any ideas what kind of results I should expect from my boo-boo ? Or is it a minor thing that will probably work itself out ? Thanks for your ideas and comments.

Ottawa, KS(Zone 5b)


Claremore -- isn't that where Will Rogers was from? Sprinkling solid fertilizer in the corn furrows wasn't a good idea, unless it was a slow release version. Nearly everyone who has used solid chemical fertilizer has at one time or another seriously burned some garden plants. That's part of the motivation of the organic gardening and farming movement. With a few exceptions, I prefer to fertilize with water soluble fertilizer that has been pre-diluted to a safe, harmless form, suitable for foliar feeding as well as a soil drench or a combination of irrigation and fertilization called "fertigation".

The worst case scenario is that some, perhaps a lot, of your corn won't come up. If that happens, replant in furrows a few inches displaced from your original furrows.

But that might not happen. Keep the soil moist and you might get decent germination. Some American Indians buried small fish with their corn seeds as organic fertilizer.


Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Unless you got carried away with the amount, You should be fine. Those of us who use the old mechanical planters apply fertilizer at the same time we plant. In the old days used 3 -12-6. Today most of the time 10-10-10. Never had any problems, and I have planted a few acres of corn. And yes Candy Corn and Kandy Korn should be spelling variations of the same cultivar.
Edited to say, that there is also a Candy Corner (Kandy Korner) an SH2 which is a quite different cultivar. for comparison http://davesgarden.com/pf/go/49824/index.html http://davesgarden.com/pf/go/73657/index.html If your supplier takes liberties with spelling, they could be confused. Kandy Korn is a 1977 release from Charter.

This message was edited Apr 17, 2006 8:42 AM

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

PeggieK, don't fret!!, I always sprinkle fertilizer in the furrows when planting almost anything. I do use the 10-10-10, as it is a universal mix, and good for everything. We have good soil, but it does need help. Just remember, don't over do it!!. A little is good, a lot is probably not so good.

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