My terraniums

(Zone 6a)

This afternoon I was looking through the threads on this board and it made me want to start my own terraniums. So I looked round the house and found a couple jars, got some stones for drainage that I had got at the dollar store and cut open one of the filters for my fish tank and took the charcoal from the inside.......and of course potting soil! With all my supplies now I put a small one together first with an Arrowhead Vine and a small Tillandsia. The second one is in a bigger jar and it has 2 bigger different Tillandsia's ,2 little 'roots' of Rabbit's Foot Fern a small log and moss! I don't have any pics but my BIL is borrowing me his digital camera, so I'll have some within a week or so.


Huntsville, AL(Zone 7a)

Hi Steve. I did the same thing when I saw this forum.. read through several threads; looked around for something to use and something to plant; picked up some charcoal today and am ready to go. Now, all I have to do is find the time to put everything together. Looking forward to seeing pics of your new creations.


(Zone 6a)

Thanks Barb. I found it didn't take long at all to put together, the biggest thing I had to decide was if I should keep the jar on its side or stand it up :) I even just used moss that had been growing in the lawn. It was dry and crusty(but still green) as I had brought it in a while back to put on top of the soil around a houseplant, but after it was in the terrarium for around an hour it sprang right back. Quite amazing!!! I just though I'd share that tidbit :)
Are you going to post pics of your terrarium once it's done?


(Zone 6a)

Here's my photos finally! I had some trouble taking them as I fept getting reflections from the they're no the best quality.

photo #1

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)


Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)

And my little one...


Thumbnail by SW_gardener
in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

AWesome SW_gardener. It turned out fantastic.

(Zone 6a)

Thank-you Patti.


Fayetteville, NC(Zone 8a)

Looks really nice. Aren't they fun? I've got to get to a thrift shop and find some more of the big jars.

I don't know how to get rid of the glare from the glass. I have the same problem trying to get pictures.

(Zone 6a)

I thought of turning off the flash, but didn't know how.
Do you think maybe that and taking the picture outside maybe?
They are alot of fun! I hope my air plants bloom in there.


This message was edited Apr 28, 2006 12:39 AM

Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)


There is usually a button that allows you to toggle through several options on flash - automatic, always off, always on, fill flash, etc. On glass surfaces or highly reflective surfaces it is usually best to turn off the flash to avoid reflections. I would use a tripod if the shutter speed is too slow (less than 1/60 of a second as a general rule of thumb).

Taking it outdoors is a great way to go if the object isn't too heavy or bulky to carry. You might want to do it in the morning hours or a shady place if you do take it outdoors.

(Zone 6a)

Thanx for the tips, HC! I'll have to ask my BIL (it's his camera) how to do all that.


Hooks, TX

Great look you put together !!!
Is there a lid on your terrarium?
If so, does it stay on all the time?

I have a (dumb?) question. In science class, many, many years ago,
we were told that plants lived on our carbon dioxide output. When a
terrarium is sealed, how would the plants get more CO2 when all the
original was used up? Does it help to put critters (tree frogs, lizzards, turtles etc.) to live in there?


(Zone 6a)

Yesterday I left the lid off for a while, there was too much moisture in it. But once the moisture is right you can leave it on for a long time and leave it alone with just matinence.

I also thought of that question too....Hopefully someone who knows the answer will come along... :)


Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

A lot of terrariums are used exclusively for reptiles (snakes, lizards, etc.) and amphibians (frogs, salamanders, etc.). Plants can be part of the overall scheme to look like a tropical jungle along with the animals. You can search for these stores on line.

Another thing a lot of terrariums are used for are carnivorous plants.

I wouldn't worry about gases but more about too much water or not enough. Plants have been shown to use both oxygen and CO2 in recent years so they use and produce both at different times of the day and terrariums have been used for many years without serious thought.

You are right about the moisture Steve. If it is too wet, things will start to rot. A little bit of condensation is normal and desireable (emulates the great outdoors). If it is too dry, plants will wilt and eventually die so it is a balancing act.

(Zone 6a)

Nicely put HC!


Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Steve they look great! Where in Southern Ontario? If you don't mind. I lived for several years in Milton, Ont. Still have friends there, er at least last time I emailed I did.

(Zone 6a)

April - I'm about an hour south of Toronto. Sorry, I just don't feel comfortable putting my location online :)
It must have been quite a change moving from Milton to Texas. Such different climates.


This message was edited May 7, 2006 12:56 PM

This message was edited May 7, 2006 12:57 PM

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

No problem..actually I moved from Southern California to Milton to Boston to New Jersey to Arizona to Kansas to North Carolina to Houston- but yes the climate is different and it has been difficult to accept that some things that I grew in one place I can't grow here. There are always trade offs.

(Zone 6a)

WOW! That's alot of moving. That would present a large challenge, with all the different zones.When I move I want to take my plants with me :D


Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

I didn't take plants except for the local moves. I have lived in the Houston area for the last 26 years and had 8 different addresses- I don't really like moving. The last move I made 1 year ago was not far from where I was living and I brought many, many plants. Set up my yard more quickly than my house- much to the familly's dismay. LOL.

(Zone 6a)

Yes, when I move, the yard may have LOTS of empty spots in it. I don't think I could trust my plants to new owners.


Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

I refuse to go back by the old house because I have heard they removed some of the hard to find trees I'd planted. It would make me cry.

(Zone 6a)

I know just how you feel. A couple years ago our neighbor who I was close to passed away.....And now theres a new fellow who owns the house and he's ripping out almost everything. I saved a couple of the shrubs, and the family gave away most of the other plants before the house was sold....but it's still hard to see.


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