Endless Summer or All Summer?

Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6b)

Looking for information on which will give the best bloom for me. Which do you prefer?

I have 5 nikko blue's and 2 other lace caps planted on the north and northeast side of my house and I haven't had blooms yet. From everything I am reading in searches and on DG boards, they bloom on old wood and mine have to start all over every year from die back. I want to switch to one of the above that blooms also on new wood so I can see the blooms in my own yard and just not at the nursery.

I really hate to have to dig up my nikko's but if I must, then I must.


Prattville, AL(Zone 8a)

'David Ramsey', 'Penny Mac' and 'Endless Summer' may be choices for you. All are remontants, blooming on new wood.

Waxhaw (Charlotte), NC(Zone 7b)

Endless summer is fantastic. Mine can die back to ground in spring and have softball sized blooms by mid summer. Highly recommended.

Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6b)

Peony, thank you for the list to research. New wood bloomers is what I need.

Kd, You are in my zone and this is wonderful news.

Thank you both for your input.

Santa Barbara County, CA(Zone 9a)

Another positive vote for Endless Summer. I bought a young plant a year ago and put it in a bed where it receives morning sun only. It performed like a champ last summer and fall -- and this spring it has leafed out way ahead of my other hydrangeas. The past couple of weeks it's even developed a few small flower clusters, so it looks set to bloom from mid-May to late October or thereabouts. It's vigorous and beautiful -- an all-around star performer.

I haven't tried All Summer Beauty so I can't compare the two plants.

Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks Terra,

I bought 2 endless summer's last weekend. Now if the weather would stay on track, I can get started replacing them and pick up some more.


West Portsmouth, OH(Zone 6a)

How deep is the color on Endless Summer? Last fall I covered my Nikko Blue 5' tall and 6' across with pine boughs and a bale of straw trying to keep it protected to get blooms this year. I can't cut enough of my pine trees down to do it again this winter, so I'll have to change my hydrangeas and I want a blue one to replace it. It'll kill me to do it, but I'm so disappointed every year. I have a gorgeous bush, but maybe only one or two flowers if I'm lucky. Somebody send me a pic. Thanks. Jan

Hagerstown, MD(Zone 6b)


I wish I could say but since this will be my first year growing them I have to wait a while. Not to worry though, I bought mine with buds. I will post a pic when they bloom.


Prattville, AL(Zone 8a)

Rikkashay, The color of Hydrangeas depends on the soil pH - 5.5 and below the flowers are blue - above 5.5 the flowers are pink, etc. To be blue, the aluminum in the soil must be available to the plant. Acidic soil makes the aluminum available. If you have die back of your Hydrangeas, you probably want to consider one the remontants: 'David Ramsey', 'Penny Mac' or 'Endless Summer'. The Hydrangea growers I know all like 'Endless Summer'. Hope this helps. By the way, with your Pine trees, your soil should be acidic.

West Portsmouth, OH(Zone 6a)

Peony01, you sure gave me the news I was looking for! My Nikko Blue is near the pine trees and when it did give me one bloom last year, it was outstanding. I'll get an Endless Summer to replace it, because it's not worth the work just to get one or two blooms. I've seen pictures here of other Nikko Blues in all their glory and hung my head at mine. It's a gorgeous bush, but I want to kick it in the knees sometimes. I just have to wonder why the nurseries sell ones aren't right for the zone they're sold in. What a rip-off!

Prattville, AL(Zone 8a)

They are selling plants. If we buy from box stores, we will probably see regional labeling and folk who are just working for a living. We can't expect them to be very helpful. You may have bought from a local nursery - I hope not. They should have told you about the possibility of die back. Now you have a plant, that after maturing, should provide you beauty that southern Hydrangea growers have enjoyed for years. You can grow things we can't.:))

West Portsmouth, OH(Zone 6a)

My MIL gave me mine, but she bought it at Lowe's, not 15 miles from my house. They should know better, I would think, than to bring in stock like that. Of course, there's a 1- year guarantee, but that's only if the plant dies. It doesn't guarantee that it will bloom again. Mine came with the huge blooms and was for Mother's Day. That was a bit too early for Southern Ohio, I think. :o(

Fenton, MO(Zone 5b)


I am in zone 5b and I have nikko's that bloom wonderfully. I killed alot putting them in the wrong places. Now I put them up against the house on the north side. Dont throw that Nikko away of yours, transplant it. :)

West Portsmouth, OH(Zone 6a)

IsThisHeaven, I'm in Zone 6a. Mine is on the northeast side of my house, but it's about 6' away from the house, all alone in the yard. It'd be a showpiece if it would bloom. Do you think it would be worth putting it up against the house?

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