Need to dobule check something Equilibrium advised

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

I also need help w/ how to grow pings, but 1st off I have to get your collective opinions on something that Equilibrium suggested.

I am having trouble finding space for plants, light carts, supplies, etc and this is what she suggested, mind you she said many of the folks in this forum do this..."...duct tape your chidren to their bedroom ceilings..." that would leave more floor space- ....does this seem like a good idea?

This message was edited Apr 15, 2006 7:26 PM

Wauconda, IL

Excellent idea, and if you put a small bit of duct tape over their mouths, it'll be nice and peaceful, too.

Duct tape is OUR friend.

Seriously now, I had tried sewing velcro tabs to their backs with another velcro tab to the ceiling but that didn't work too well and was almost like having "living" ceiling fans up there. Far too much disturbance going on up there. The duct tape truly is the answer as you can tape down all extremeties. No flailing around what so ever! .

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Well duct tape it is! I knew that stuff would come in handy some day!

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Oh and thanks for the idea about the small bit over the mouth! Why didn't I think of that?!

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

If you guys like the duct tape thing, perhaps this will be of help:


Most of America 's populace thinks it very improper to spank children, so I have tried other methods to control our kids when they have one of "those moments".

One that I found very effective is for me to just take the child for a car ride and talk.

They usually calm down and stop misbehaving after our little car ride together.

I've included the photo below of one of my sessions, with our son, in case you would like to use the technique.

It's very effective!"

Thumbnail by aprilwillis

Oh oh oh! Face hurts! Tears in my eyes from that one! I have got to send that to all my friends who have children. Oh my word!

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

I just call the vet and tell him that we are taking the animals on a plane ride, telling him the pets that are about the same weight as the kids and pick up some tranqualizers. Works great!!
Another is when I am on the phone and can't yell at them when they are making noise, I just pull out my handy suctioncup pistol and hit them on the forehead. Practice your shot first on this one. Hitting them in the eye just makes them blind...not quiet, and the screaming makes it harder to hear on the phone!

No...I have never done this, but obviously I have thought about it lol

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

LOL, too funny. But shouldn't the suction cup be attached to a rope so that you can pull them to you to apply the duct tape? LOL. The joys of motherhood!

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

I can only do so much when I am talking on the I think trying to reel them in (closer to me...wasn't part of the plan!) and apply duct tape and talk. I should have worked on my multi-tasking more when the kids were young.
I always imagined them running away from me trying to get the suction cup off.....the tranquilizer works best

Oh my tranquilizers, never thought of those. Why Tigger... you are so creative.

I don't think reeling them in after nailing them with a suction cup gun will work, you just don't have enough free extremities to pull this off and they do always seem to wait until the phone rings to get goofy now don't they! Something about that phone ringing brings out the worst in kids and husbands and pets.

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Well ok, so reeling them in is out and tranqs are in! Very good!

Now any tips on pings?

Aw shucks! Fun is over and back to business!

Specifically what kinds of Pings? Let's start with Latin names so that we don't help you kill off a temperate Ping such as P. macroceras by giving you growing tips for a Mexican Ping and vice versa.

Whatcha got that you want tips on?

Hey aprilwillis,

Start by reading this thread and go from there with your questions-

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Well now that I have the kids duct tapped I will read that!

I'll pop back after I have a nice soak in the tub. I pulled out about 50 Japanese Honeysuckles today and I wrenched up at least 25 Buckthorns with my handy dandy weed wrench and I deserve a little soak.

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Read it, you guys are all a bit on the strange side, don't know if I can hang out mother warned me about people like you. I did find some good info on pings and will immediately, if not sooner, correct my errors! We will see how things go- my smallest one has more than trippled in size and seems to thrive on my complete indifference.

Thank you again!

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Let me ask one question- as I have looked at the many photos on this forum of pings, they don't seem to be grown in terrarium type situations but just plain old whatever pots...Is that correct?

That would be correct. I even have a few in tea cups. What you may not be seeing is that some people have drilled holes in the bottoms of their pots to be able to to set them in water trays. Other people are using bonsai pots that already have a hole in the bottom for water to wick up and then there are some people like me who create a little well in the corner of their pots with their finger and forgo drilling holes in some pots.

Some ping-a-lings are grown outside in bogs year round as if they were a bog orchid or a Sarracenia purpurea.

Now what was your momma saying about people like us ;)

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Ok. what my mother said, between duct taping me to the ceiling was something about people who play in bogs...

Man, I take a little break from the cp forum to mind a huge coop and people start abusing their kids in my absence!! That photo is hysterical! Even my son laughed, although it did give me some ideas...

Portugal Cove-St. Ph, NL(Zone 5a)

HURRAY! My Sarr's are germinating!!!! I have Sarracenia leucophylla from Elsanore Alabama USA. How long does it take a Sarr to bloom from seed? Hope it's not like the Birds........ 7yrs and so many leaves.......

Lots of FOG here...... total R D F....... even the gulls and crows are walking..... or paddling! One errant egret has fetched up here, too.

Bill in SE Nfld., Canada zone 5a

Man, I take a little break from the cp forum to mind a huge coop and people start abusing their kids in my absence!!
Talk is cheap! Ask your son if we can experiment on him first before we move on to actually duct taping some of our own kids. Practice makes perfect!

What's this I hear about people who play in bogs being strange? Twenty whips with a wet noodle to your mom for even suggesting soggy gardeners are strange. There's nothing wrong with us... it's those normal gardeners who have issues!

Congrats Bill! Good job! Now for the bad news Bill... your plants won't reach maturity for ohhhhhhhhhhhhh... at least 5-6 years under optimal conditions. Now for the good news Bill... they're worth the wait!

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Yes lets practice on some kids!

I think you need kids smaller than mine. He's old enough and big enough to fight back now. And the other one is 21, so not really so much of a kid anymore, although I'd like to convince her of that.
Yeah, what's this about people who play in bogs being wierd? I play in bogs. At least, I would if I had any bogs to play in. At least, I play outside. And I get in my pond and play. That's not wierd. Is it? My kids laugh at me, but isn't that what they are supposed to do? Who cares what they think ,anyway?

Morgan Hill, CA(Zone 10a)

And speaking of people who play in bogs.....You MUST check this out! OMG!!!!!

Officer Wolf....arrest this man!

Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

On it like a cop on doughnuts!

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