Melons are in.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Finally finished planting the cantaloupes and watermelons. Trying a few new to me cultivars this season along with the standards. Found one that claims to be the Golden Honey watermelon. Seeds don't look right but we will see. Also planted Verona, Pinata, Ultra Cool and AU Producer. New melons include Antalya, Tekos, Carole, Sensation, and Moneyloupe.

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

I set out 4 early watermelon transplants Wednesday [13th]. ...2 Tiger Baby and 2 Yellow Doll. The rest of my melons [full size] are for early to mid May transplanting.

Melons are the most enjoyable and occasionally frustrating crop I raise.

Salem, OR(Zone 8a)

Cool. So can I plant out melons this early in zone 8?

I have some sugar baby watermelon seedlings growing up nicely.

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

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