Food for peony

Millers Creek, NC

I know this is a dumb question for most of you,but I have never had peonies before.What kind of fertilizer do you use on them?

Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

There really is no dumb question, when you need to know something. I am not sure what varieties grow in your area, but as a rule use a low nitrogen like
5-10-10 and work into the soil around each plant 2
tablespoons but keep away from the stem. If useing manure it needs to be well rotted peonies are also partial to potash so a little wood ash from the fire place will also help. fertilize in late fall or early spring once again keep manure and comercial fertilizers about 12 inches away from the stems of the plant. as that could make for weak spindly stems. I usualy stay away from fertilizeing mine. except when planting a new root division. but there is a lot of differencies in soil in different areas.
I would recomend also just go to google and type in peonies and fertilizer you should get several differing areas from north to south and what varities grow best in your area. Hint most peonies need 100 to 300 cold winter days to do well.

Millers Creek, NC

Thanks for your reply. I haven't fed my peonies as yet.I didn't know if I should or not.One of mine has buds on it now.

Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

I don't think it would hurt to use some thing like a
5-10-5 fertilizer just a couple tablespoons kind of work it in the first inch or two of the soil around each plant but do stay away from the stems of the plant then water them well they should do fine.
I should have asked how new the plants are. The first year they are sometimes a little spindly anyway. I have had some buds on a new plant. but they didn't do too well. I have 10 that are on their second year , an I'm kind of hopeing. Ours are just now growing good and are about 8-10" tall ; It's still early here though may still have another frost even
as late May. That could set them back some too.
I don't think you have that worry though,,, right??

Millers Creek, NC

randbponder,Thanks for the advice. Two of my peonies are third yr plants,but I moved them!! They were not getting enough sun.I sure hope we don't have another frost,I have toooo many plants out already.

Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

Well we had two nights of frost. Our row of peonies that we transplanted are only bowing ther heads a little but are not hurt. The others are getting buds on and they didn't even wimper (:o Whew Glad of that the one night it got down to 26F the other night was 29F I think we are safe now although the last record ave. low for the 29th. of May was 31F. but the average for the rest of the month are 49F. and up. I may even get brave and plant Tomatos and peppers. We do have rain the forcast till May 2nd. but have nice weather for the Iowa water garden roundup this next weekend whooo Hoooo. We have planned to be there both days doing some swaps with at least a couple members. I have some Koi to deliver in exchange for some regular lilies so thought we may as well bring extra just in case as there will be plenty of things for trade. and of course a potluck picknic. That means I need to get busy tring to net some of those new little guys.
That won.t be too easy as my pond is 12' wide 20' long and 3-1/2' deep if I can get some each day I'll make it on time.
Any way just thought I'd let you know that our peonies made it through the frost so I think you should be safe too
Russ & Barb

Millers Creek, NC

I'm glad your peonies made it!! We haven't had an frost,just some cool nites. Have fun at the swap.Hope you get all your fishing done on time too!!

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Rosellamcneil & Randbponder, there is a really great site to get information on peonies. It's called the Heartland Peony Society.. Here is the web address:

This site has a great data base of peonies and a lot of really useful information. :)

Rose, as far as fertilizing my peonies, I usually don't. Peonies are no fuss plant and really don't like to be messed with. I tend to plant them and forget them till they bloom. Of course, that doesn't mean that I don't do fall clean up or stake the doubles so that they don't collapse in the rain. Other than that, I ignore them.;)


Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

Thanks Diann;
I"ll check that out. I used to have some japanese peonies but lost them in one move or another. Someday or another I will have to get more. We will be going to the RU
this weekend and just maybe someone will have some for trade :o)
We are pushing to get the pond cleaned out. Had to lower the water level to catch some of the Koi for tradeing then decided to clean it while we were at it. Found that the Koi had knocked over several of the smaller pots with the lilies. We had a twisted mass of roots that with mud and all would have been close to 500lb. Got out a knife cut them apart now we have some lilies to trade with unknown colors. LOL
Thanks again for the link.
Barb &Russ

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