
Hockley, TX(Zone 9a)

I planted 2 Azaleas about 1 month ago and they haven't grown anymore than 1 inch or so. They look healthy and don't seem to have any diseases. When I got them they both had several blooms on them but, they have long since faded and no new ones have come up. Is it normal for them to move along so slowly? Or am I doing something wrong? I planted roses at the same time as them and have given them the same amount of attention, and they are growing like crazy. These are my first Azaleas and I really want for them to take off.

Walkerton, VA(Zone 7a)

Welcome, Quaters. Azaleas are slow growers, and they're probably fine. Just make sure they get watered regularly and that they are well mulched.

Hockley, TX(Zone 9a)

I've never had any until now and I really don't know nothing about them. LOL. Thanks for your help.

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