Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

I just received my order from Chad over at GardenCrossings and I was Blown away...They are very well rooted and Packaged and Labeled just beautifully!!..I will definitely order from him again..His prices are awesome and shipping is so cheap compared to others I have ordered from..You won't be sorry...Jeanne
Here is my 4 new babies...Clematis "Avante-Garde","Royal Velours","Florida Seiboldii"
and "Ruby Glow"..

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

great looking vines. Isn't avante-garde just awsome. I have it on order from silver star vinery.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9a)

Thanks for sharing this site, I saw loads of plants I am going to just have to order.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Your plants look great, Jeanne! Have you decided where you are going to plant them in your garden yet?

I'm so excited that you received yours, because that means that my order should be going soon too! Yippee!!

P.S. I also purchased "Avant Garde" too! It's a beauty!!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Kewl you bought Avante Garde from Chad too?...Isn't his clematis WONDERFUL!!...I have 3 new areas for them to grow up the brick columns on my screened in porch...I will be planting Clematis "Florida Sieboldii" with Clematis "Venosa Violacea" and Clematis "Royal Velors" with Clematis "Ruby Glow" and Clematis "Avante Garde" will go on my new Trellis with my new roses and the other 3 clematis I planted...I am also going to order Clematis "Kardinal Waszynski",Clematis "Blue Angel" and "Vesuvius"...

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

What great combinations! Can't wait until they ALL start flowering! I noticed today that some of my Clematis plants have some nice fat buds on them! YEAH!!

Besides "Avant Garde", I also ordered Clematis "Tie Dye" and "Freckles" (I think). Guess I'll find out when I open the box!

Garden Crossings is offering some nice early Spring specials. Sheesh! Every time I go on that website I end up ordering more stuff! I DEFINITELY lack self control! :~)

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Yet another place to buy Clematis. LOL, I just had to order. I got Engelina My Angel and Warsaw Nike. I thought the two would go good together. How do the Garden Crossing Clematis compare to Debbie's?

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Garden Crossings sells their Clematis vines for a bit less money, usually $12.99 or $13.99 (not counting the specials which are even cheaper), but the plants and their root systems are smaller. Silver Star Vinery is a couple of dollars more, but her plants and root systems out shine any other Nursery!

"Warsaw Nike" is a tried and true Clematis. I'll have to go check out "Engelina My Angel" at Garden Crossings! Like I need to be tempted any more!! :~)

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Warsaw Nike looked like a maroon and Engelina My Angel is a smaller, nodding yellow with a maroon reverse. Both are pruning group 3. Thought they might compliment one another.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

I have bought Clematis from Dan over at Brushwood,Chalkhill,Completely Clematis(Which I think is outrageous)Debbie and GardenCrossings..I think Chads Clematis are quite equal considering his comes in a 1/2 gallon pot..You add up the difference in the price of the clematis..which is about 3 dollars and a huge savings in shipping..I saved about 15 dollars in shipping compared to what I spent there so that was about a total of 28 dollars I saved and got an equallyl well rooted clematis...Time shall's all in how you treat 'em once you get 'em home...Jeanne

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