have i killed/over-pruned my muscat grape vine

Brooklyn, NY

I think I may have misunderstood the pruning instructions in a home orchard book I bought.
This is a muscat grape vine. I planted it in the spring of 05 and about 3 weeks ago, I pruned it. But now, I think I misunderstood the pruning directions and should not have cut it so far back- I do not see any signs of any bud swelling. Have I killed my vine or over-pruned it so much that I have set it back a few years?
please let me know. Thanks.

This message was edited Apr 14, 2006 10:31 AM

Thumbnail by gg123456
La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

It looks like you cut all but an eye or two. If the vines were healthy last year, they should return although, you've probably set it back a year. I've included a link to a thread on pruning grapevines. I provided some information and links to 3 websites. Each of the website has plenty of drawings and/or photos to help with pruning — good references for next year. I hope these links help.


Brooklyn, NY

thanks so much Bettydee-
The vines thrives last year- they completely filled out the space between the vine wires-

what happened was that a home orchard book said- cut the vine back to a single stem- so I did that on the concord vine and because it seemed so drastic, I cut it back to two stems on the muscat vine- I am really upset that I have set back the vine by a year.

would I be better off pulling these out, and planting fresh vines from a nursery?

Brooklyn, NY

p.s the first link no longer works

This message was edited Apr 15, 2006 10:11 AM

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Try this link:

The UC Davis link would have led to this site.

Don't pull out the two vines. They already have an established root system and you don't have to start from scratch the way you'd have to with fresh vines from a nursery.

Brooklyn, NY

Thanks veronica.
My muscat vine has in the last few days developed 5 buds which are swelling nicely- so hopefully I did not do too much harm to the muscat vine- The concord vine, as yet not showing any signs of life- but I'll wait!

Do you know of an internet site that sells the posts and the wire gage needed to support a grape vine?

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