Are my butterfly bushes all dead?!?

St. Louis, MO(Zone 5b)

My Bbushes were new last year and all bloomed very well. I planted 3 in the ground and one in a pot.

Now they look like dead sticks with a little growth at the bottom. Is this supposed to happen? I just cut them down a whole lot and the stems are all dried out and dead.

I took this pic with my phone I hope you can make out the little leaves at the bottom. This one is a b. davidii that was about 3.5 feet tall and bloomed very well last year after I planted it.

Thumbnail by mlm01
St. Louis, MO(Zone 5b)

This one is in a pot, it was pink, I forgot what kind.

Thanks for any advice,


Thumbnail by mlm01
Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Mim, They look fine. Mine usually die back to a few inches from the bottom in zone 6. Yours look like they just went a little lower. They will grow quickly, Just cut off the dead wood.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

They look just like mine, and mine are slowly coming to life.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

They are one of the last to come back for me, even later than my smokebush.

Frankfort, KY

I too am in Zone 6 and the leaves are just beginning to unfurl. The rest of the plant looks dead. This is the nature of the butterfly bush. Just be patient. They will come back. BTW, if you don't want them to get huge you should prune them back before the new growth appears.

St. Louis, MO(Zone 5b)

Whew! I thought I had done something to kill them.

Thanks all I feel much better now! ☺

Mine are looking the same. I am over near Creve Couer. I thought mine were dead, also. Growth is starting to come up from the bottom.


So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I don't cut mine back until new growth in spring. I think that helps by not having hollow stems that can dry up or rot all winter.

Presque Isle, WI(Zone 3b)

darius, I am facinated by your present location. At least you don't have to shovel snow! Ken

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

I thought Limbo was disbanded with all residents sent to Heaven or Purgatory? I'll check with the Vatican but I think darius is out of compliance.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

LOL, Dave!

I DO hope to be out of Limbo by the end of the summer. Depends on how long it takes to sell this house (my sister's) and then find a new one back up in the Appalachian Mountains.

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Up north or down south? Limbo's been nice & mild. I imagine you wouldn't want to change zones too drastically.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Dave, I'm in Kissimmee FL right now, plan (hope) to be in the mtns (where I have lived for years) before Fall. I'm much more comfortable in Zone 6 than Zone 9-10, LOL.

edited for spelling

This message was edited Apr 14, 2006 8:32 PM

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Good luck with the move.
Those Appalachians cover a lot of ground. You can be moving to GA or Maine.
I won't really tell the Pope.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Dave - is Limbo really out? Thank heavens!

Darius - good luck with your move. I don't think DH or I could breathe in the heat and humidity of six to eight months of summer in zone 9 or 10.

mim01 - your butterfly bushes look normal. Ours are the same. We do as Darius does and only cut them back in late March or early April.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Dave, we had hoped for Boone NC where much of our family (and each of us) lived for the past 40+ years. The tourists have driven the prices sky-high. So we are looking across the NC/VA line into SW VA but still in the mtns.

Pirl, I agree about breathing, LOL.

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Hey Arlene!

Darius. Is that Boone after Daniel Boone?

St. Louis, MO(Zone 5b)

Thanks again all. I pruned them back a bit further and can't wait until they start shooting up!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Yes, Dave it is. My mother lived in a community/area there called Meat Camp. It was the base camp where they brought in and cured all their meat from hunting.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Good morning, Darius
Meat Camp, I always smile at some of the odd names that have been given to communities. I live in Quality, KY Lewisburg is where the PO is located.

I would like a dwarf butterfly bush, anyone have a good choice that I can be asking for? I like Blk Knights color.


Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Daniel Boone was a childhood hero for me (and, of course, Davey Crocket).
But Meat Camp sounds like where you go to start the Atkins diet! Very romantic!
Teresa, I don't know dwarfs.
Well I do, but I prefer to call them little people. (Sorry about that. I'll leave now)

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Teresa, I had a really dark Black Knight. It became my favorite of the 4-5 colors I had.

Presque Isle, WI(Zone 3b)

Dave exiting center stage right to wild applause. Nice job Dave.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

I garden in zone 6 in Nantucket and in zone 5 in southern Vt. Your plants look just like my vt bushes, while the ones in zone 6 have a great deal of growth. Keep the faith.

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