Rhubarb question.

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

I am inclined to think of rhubarb in the veg category. If that is a problem I can find another thread but my question pertains to the bloom stalk. Years ago at another location I had several clumps of an unknown variety that never put up a bloom stalk for the nearly 15 years I gardened there. The variety (?) I have now wants to bloom every spring. I have both let it bloom and cut the bloom stalk off in different years. Is there any advantage to either choice? Seems like the bloom stalk would deplete the root but on the other hand, the plant really wants to make seed, naturally.

New York & Terrell, TX(Zone 8b)

care for Rhubarb http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=care+for+Rhubarb&btnG=Google+Search

~* Robin

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Ok, thanks. I'll go out there and cut off that bloom stalk before it gets a real start.

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