my mg project

Eleva, WI(Zone 4a)

Hi Everyone-
Sorry I haven't been around for a while. Busy busy busy with moving to my new home and working on my master gardener project.
For my mg project, I developed the group a website so that they could better communicate training opportunities, events, and offer assistance. Here it is:
It isn't totally complete yet--we will be adding some detail and things like a photo album.
I would love feedback and suggestions from people if you have any.

West Central, WI(Zone 4a)


Great to see you back with us. I hope that your move went smoothly and that you're enjoying your MG class.

I've never been very knowledgeable about exactly what a MG was or how they got that way. This web-site was great for that as well as having the calendar of events. As I learn more about it, I may have more constructive criticism, but for now I think that it's great and it looks like I'll have lots of local things to look forward to doing.


Central, WI(Zone 4a)


Bookmarked the link and hopefully have time later to look around a bit. What I saw on the first page looks great.


Eleva, WI(Zone 4a)

Thanks Marie and Kelly!
Hopefully the group will get their own web domain soon--it isn't an easy site to find or remember.We also hope to have a photo album soon to feature the gardens and show people how to find the public gardens.

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